Chapter 9: I Will Always Be With You

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"I don't know" Tadashi shrugged "I think he belongs in a mental institution" he whispered.

"Ya think?" I replied. "Why would anyone threaten to close down the cafe? Everyone is San Fransokyo loves it here!"

"Who complains about a bit of dust on their fork?" Fred scratched his head.

"Him, apparently" I rolled my eyes. Aunt Cass bent down to retrieve the paper.

"Guys, you better look at this" she waved us over.

The paper read,

'To the owner of the filthy Lucky Cat Cafe,

I'm making a compliant that this cafe is dirty! I found dust on my fork! How disgusting! In three weeks, the health inspector is coming to close you down...that is, if you don't ditch the cafe all together...


"So, that's his name. Max" Honey Lemon peered over Aunt Cass's shoulder "We have to get him back here and apologise to you, Aunt Cass"

"No, it's fine. The inspector will see that the cafe is crystal clean. Don't worry"

"We'll get the customers tomorrow to leave a review, to show the inspector. And Max" I cringed at the name. How I don't like that name now.

"Sounds good" Aunt Cass yawned "It's getting late. You guys should head home"

"Yeah, it is getting late" Honey yawned, hugging aunt Cass.

"Bye! See you tomorrow! Good luck with the cafe!" Wasabi waved as they all walked out the door.

"You boys better get to sleep too" aunt Cass hugged Tadashi and I as we walked upstairs.

I got in my pyjamas and slid under my blanket "I hope I never see Max again"

"Me too" Tadashi yawned.

"If I do see him again, it won't be pretty" I yawned and closed my eyes "Night 'Dashi"

"Night Hiro"


(Third person view)

"I'm back, sir!" a familiar blonde haired boy burst through the door.

"How did it go?" A mysterious man, most likely his boss, asked.

"I think I did pretty good"

"What did you complain about?"

"Dust on my fork"

The mysterious man burst out into laughter, then turned his attention back to Max.

"You weren't kidding, were you?"

Max shook his head.


"Well sorry! If you don't like my excuses, next time do the dirty work yourself!" Max retorted.

"What was I thinking hiring an idiot like you?" The man looked Max in the eyes.

The mysterious man then clicked his fingers. Max looked around. It was as if the man had summoned the hounds to rip him to spreads, only without the savage barking.

"Yes, master?" A figure emerged from the shadows - a face Max immediately recognised as one of his best friends.

"Jacob?" Max eyes his friend. He never knew the mysterious man had hired Jacob too. Jacob had a slightly darker complexion, black hair and brown eyes. Sort of like Wasabi, just slimmer and much, much more devilish. "What are you doing here?"

Jacob remained silent. The mysterious man spoke for him.

"Jacob here is one of my most evil employees. I'm sure you'd both work well together. Being friends already makes things easier. Being equally as idiotic makes you a perfect team" the man grinned evilly "And you will both learn from each other's mistakes. Especially something as silly as dust on your fork"

The mysterious man then started on his way out, then stopped.

"You will find Tadashi Hamada. And you will finish him off. Properly this time" a wicked grin spread across his face, which then wiped off as he remembered the failed attempt to kill the robotics genius in the fire.

"And while you're at it" he started for the last time "Get that Hiro boy too. He knows just as much as the other Hamada"

And with that, the man disappeared into the shadows.


"Tadashi! No!" Hiro leapt from his bed, waking his older brother.

"Hiro? What's happening?" Tadashi sat on the bed beside his brother, rubbing his hand on Hiro's back.

"I-I had a dream" Hiro's voice was croaky "Where you were killed by some strange man"

"Hiro, you know that'll never happen" Tadashi reassured.

"How can you say that!? Everyone thought you were dead not even a week ago!"

"Hiro" Tadashi started "I will always be with you. No matter what"

"I'd rather have you here with me than just in here" Hiro groaned, touching the left side of his chest where his heart was and lying back down, throwing the blanket over his head.

Tadashi said nothing else. He just walked back to his bed and fell asleep, thinking that he now made a promise to live. A promise no one knew if they could keep.


Hi guys! I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've had so many assessments and assignments it's not even funny. Now the holidays are only a week away and I will try and update more often. I hope you liked this chapter, and I hope it makes up for the long wait. All your AMAZINGLY SUPPORTIVE comments make me so happy! You know, the ones that go "this should be the actual sequel" ? It really brightens my day when I read one of those.

~Dreams Hamada

Big Hero 7 *Sequel to Disney's Big Hero 6* #Wattys2016Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ