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"What Mr Smith did to you is absolutely unacceptable. No one should hurt you.' said Scarlett. Clara said nothing and stared straight ahead. She couldn't believe she had just told Scarlett Johansson her biggest secret. The Scarlett Johansson.

'Clara, can you say something? Are you okay?' Scarlett asked concerned. She noticed that Clara was having a hard time. "I'm fine." Clara replied. "Can I give you a hug?" asked Scarlett. Clara nodded. Scarlett gave the girl a hug. Clara closed her eyes. Scarlett was so sweet. She had no idea what she owed this to, but it felt like a gift from above. Finally someone listened to her and didn't yell at her.

'I'm really sorry for you. Is there anything I can do for you?' asked Scarlett. Clara shook her head. "You've already done enough for me by listening to me. I just have to go. Mr. and Mrs. Smith probably won't be happy if I'm late.' Clara stood up.

'No, wait! I'm not going to send you back to that horrible man. We will find a solution.' said Scarlett. 'Are you serious?' Clara looked at her in surprise. Scarlett nodded. "No one should treat a child like that. When was the last time he hurt you?' asked Scarlett. 'This afternoon.' Clara answered softly. She lowered her eyes. "Clara, why didn't you say this right away? Where has hurt you?' asked Scarlett. "My back hurts a little but I'm okay."

"You want to cook for me?" Clara asked. Scarlett nodded. "I have to make dinner myself, so I might as well make something for you." She said. 'That's sweet.' said Clara. Scarlett smiled. 'It's only a small effort. Is there something you want to eat?' asked Scarlett. 'Surprise me. I actually like almost everything.' She said. 'Okay. Then I'll go prepare dinner. I'll call you when I'm done cooking.' said Scarlett. 'Good. Thank you.' Clara looked shyly at Scarlett.

Scarlett left the bedroom and she went to the kitchen. She felt so sorry for Clara. She couldn't believe someone would harm such a sweet girl. She wished there was a way to help Clara. All sorts of things were running through her head. She was able to call the police, but she wanted to talk to Colin first. Colin had to work late tonight so as soon as he got home she would ask him what to do. They had a hard time getting Clara back to the orphanage. She couldn't bring herself to do that. Not one child belonged in an orphanage.

Scarlett started cooking. She had decided to make wraps. She loved it herself. She regularly ate wraps with Colin. It was tasty and simple to make.

After half an hour Scarlett was ready and she set the table for dinner. Colin didn't eat, so she only covered for her and Clara. When she was done she walked to her bedroom and gently opened the door. Clara was sleeping peacefully on her bed. Scarlett smiled and stopped in the doorway. She was glad Clara could get some rest, and she hoped this nap was doing the girl some good.

Scarlett continued into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. "Clara, wake up." Scarlett said softly. She didn't want to startle her. Clara slowly opened her eyes. Confused, she looked around and it took her a moment to realize she was in Scarlett Johansson's bed.

Clara got out of bed and went into the living room. Scarlett was sitting at the dining table reading the newspaper. "Hey." Clara said shyly. Scarlett looked up from her newspaper and immediately a smile came to her face when she saw Clara. 'Hey. Did you sleep well?' she asked. 'Yes thank you.' she smiled. 'Good! I was just about to wake you up but you were sleeping so well. I also just made wraps. Would you like that?' she asked.

'Yes Nice! I love wraps.' Clara replied. 'Happy! Come and sit down at the table.' Clara sat down at the table and Scarlett scooped up the food. "Isn't Colin coming for dinner?" Clara asked. "No, Colin has to work until about nine." replied Scarlett. "I'm sorry. What does he do for work?' Clara asked. 'He presents a new program that will soon be shown on television.'

'Sounds nice!' Clara took a bite of her wrap. 'And does it taste a bit?' asked Scarlett. Clara nodded. 'It's really delicious. You can cook well.' she said after swallowing her wrap. 'Thank you! I also really enjoy doing it.'

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