Chapter Four, Conditioning

Start from the beginning

"I'm never going to get used to this shit, you damn Commie. Why can't you just let me go?" I snapped angrily, which provoked him. He sat up straight and stared down at me, being menacing and demeaning. I glared at him and lowered my head reflexively. "What?" I hissed. "Answer the fucking question." I stood my ground, but nothing changed. There was just a daunting silence. He suddenly yanked me forward by my collar and gripped it harshly. "You will get used to this whether you like it or not, and you are mine now. You don't get to ask "why", only do as I tell you." He told me with a cold, authoritative tone. "Shut up! I hate you!" I yelled like a rebellious teen and shoved him away, falling back into my seat. The room sat in a dead cold silence, which made my anxiety worse. I held the warm coat tightly around my body, digging my nails into the dark blue fabric. I stared at the ground with a nervous expression, a small frown and tense brows. I want to leave. I want to go back to before I had to deal with Tord. I want to go back to Edd and Matt and just watch stupid movies while relaxing. I want to cuddle and even put up with their stupid habits. I want everything back.

I listened as pen returned to paper, and quiet gliding of ink could be heard. I hate him so much that it's not even funny. To him it is. It's all just a sick joke to him. My stomach inconveniently whined, grumbling for food that I wouldn't be getting for hours. I held my painfully hungry stomach and stayed silent. It hurt, but I wasn't going to say anything to him. I didn't want to talk to that devil man. I listened as the lightweight pen was promptly dropped on his desk and I looked over, nervous and curious. I shrunk back in the coat and looked away from the caramel haired man. What is Tord up to now? I heard the 'clack, clack, clack..' of his boots as he left the room, the door slamming shut as he exited. Maybe this is good. Maybe he was leaving for a meeting. Maybe I could sneak out. I got up from my previously occupied seat and quickly ran out of the door, sprinting through the halls. My heart was racing. My mind was throbbing with stress and adrenaline. Nobody was even trying to stop me because they assumed Tord was coming to control me.

I suddenly slammed into a large weight, falling back. I heard the other person fall down with a grunt, and I looked at the person I had accidentally hit. Paul was on the ground across from me, obviously pissed about the collision. I stared at him nervously and quickly forced my sore body to get up, shaking because I felt weak and in pain. I got my footing before Paul could get up and began running once more, with haste. He would definitely be chasing me, and I don't want to get caught. I ran through hallways that I didn't recognize, pushing past soldiers and tripping. Once I had fallen face first, I stayed there. I'm so cold and weak. I'm hungry and tired. I feel miserable. The air had been knocked out of me, and I could hear footsteps approaching on the cold tile floors. I flinched as a hand harshly yanked me up by my collar, and I was face to face with Paul and Patryk. I stared at them rather sadly and let the pair pull me onto my feet. "Why are you running? Haven't you learned that you can't escape?" Pat scorned and I stared at the ground.

I didn't feel like saying anything, I just want to leave so badly. I felt a usually harsh hand gently grip my shoulder. I looked up at the comforter and stared at Pat. "Jeez.. Tord has been really harsh on you huh? You look like you're losing weight pretty fast." He commented, seemingly annoyed. He then sighed and took away his hand. "Well Tom.. Since Tord seemingly doesn't know or care where you are right now, do you want anything to eat?" He offered kindly and Paul looked at him surprised. "But Pat, we c-." "Oh Tord doesn't decide everything for us- come on-." Pat snapped and dragged me by the arm. I quickly began walking at his speedy pace and Paul followed, still nervous. "Pau~ I didn't mean to sound angry." Pat sang his name and smiled warmly at the stronger man. Paul seemed at ease by this and his cheeks lit up. "It's alright Pat. I like it when you're angry~." He teased and I cringed at the implications. I tried my best not to pass a snarky comment, seeming as I was being brought to a food heaven.

I listened as their conversations went deeper into flirting territory, though I wish I didn't have ears. "Oh you dirty brute~ you're too cute to stay angry at." Pat purred out affectionately to his partner, loosening his once restrictive grip on my arm. They continued this sickening chatter until I was sat down in the cafeteria of sorts. I felt happy for the first time in a while. Something as small as being fed, which would be normal before all of this, was making me happy. I felt pathetic, but I don't care at this point. I could smell waffles and pancakes and blueberries. I was surprised they didn't just serve disgusting mush. An army with delectable food is something people don't normally link together. However here I was, chowing down on blueberry waffles and being told to slow down so that I don't choke or puke. After about a waffle and a half, I had to listen before I hurled. I laid back in the unfamiliar plastic chair as a calloused hand rubbed my back. I felt so happy tasting such a good meal. Tord would always just shove some sub-par scraps onto a plate as an excuse for a meal. Now I was eating a full on nutritional meal with chocolate milk. I relaxed as I tuned into the voice that was talking. "So, feeling a little better Tom?" Pat asked as he continued to rub my back. I simply nodded in response, sleepy. My tired eyelids hung over my vision, enclosing around it until I was beginning to fall asleep. My mind easily drifted away, already desperate to sleep.

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