Chapter 18: Defending Haven

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(Y/N) was looking at the view, wondering where the others were. Just then, he heard Qrow, and saw Yang and Weiss. Soon, the two reunited with Ruby. "Yang, I'm so sorry. I thought you didn't want me around, so I just....." She was cut off with a hug. "I love you," said Yang. Ruby accepted it and said, "I love you too." Weiss joined in, and soon, the two were filled in.

"So, it's all true?" asked Weiss. "Correct," said Derek. "I have given a great amount of magic to four individuals long ago," said Ozpin, "It was similar to what I gave to Qrow and Raven. These four individuals were the first maidens." "Alright," said Yang, "We'll join, only on one condition: No more half truths. We want the full story from now on." Ozpin said, "Very well." Bob looked around, and said, "Unknown source detected from outside the city!!" "Unknown source?" asked Ruby. Donald turned the screen on, and saw the ship.

 Donald turned the screen on, and saw the ship

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"Impure Daleks detected!!" said Darren. "Launch an attack force!!! Protect the Academy!!" said (Y/N). Soon, the Daleks were shooting at each other, each one loosing units fast.


"Attack force under heavy from Ozpin Daleks!" cried a unit in the Grimm Lands. "Order a full beam attack," said Salem. 

Soon, the Grimm Daleks all got in a line, and shot at the same time, and launched a giant beam. "Launch counter attack!!" said (Y/N). "We can help!" said Ruby. (Y/N) turned to Ruby, and said, "No, you will stay put! These maybe impure, but they are still using Dalek Technology! Your bullets will melt before they hit home! Launch Dalek Bob to the front lines!!

Bob was sent out, and he shot the ship, damaging it. It then exploded the fuel gasket, and it exploded. "Grimm Daleks have been destroyed!! City will be scouted for any stragglers!" said Bob.


Salem was not happy. She destroyed the closest Dalek Unit to her. The rest backed up. She then looked at a certain mint-green haired woman with dark skin. "Bring Cinder here. Remind her who she works for." "Yes ma'am." said Emerald, and she bowed.

Salem looked at the daleks, and saw Bob. "Perhaps, I should create a secret weapon myself."

The Daleks.....

(Y/N) looked at the others, and said, "Contact Lionheart! We must alert him of what is happening!!"

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