Chapter 13: Round One

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"This man," said (Y/N), "Is not Human, or Faunus. A species completely different." The man was called to Ozpin, and Ironwood called the Daleks and Davros. "So, who are you?" asked Goodwitch. "I'm the Doctor," said the man, "I'm a Timelord from the Planet Gallifrey. And the Daleks call me the 'Oncoming Storm'." "Data is invalid," said Derek. "Oh come on, I know that you......" He stopped when he scanned their DNA. "This isn't Dalek DNA. You're not from Skaro?" "Skaro? What the hell is that?" asked Darren. "Daleks don't curse either." "Are you from another dimension?" asked Donald. "That is the most up serd thought I heard," said Goodwitch. "And yet, this planet is in the exact quadrants as the planet Earth," said the Doctor. "It must be a misunderstanding," said Davros, "Why are you here Doctor?" "I'm looking for an enemy that came to this dimension. They're called Sontarans. They've come to find another planet to conquer to help in a war they are. And they plan to destroy the main life forms to make it a new base with no interruptions." "We will defend this planet if they do invade," said Bob. "Thank you, um, what are your names?" "I am the Supreme." "Dalek Derek." "Dalek Darren." "Dalek Donald." "Dalek Bob." "Bob. Such a nice name. Now, I suppose I should head off. Also, I wish you all luck in your fight against those Grimm." The Doctor then left, and they saw a blue box, and it made a noise as it disappeared.

The Daleks then headed off to watch Team RWBY fighting Team ABRN.

"-iiiis anyone else starving?" Team RWBY and the Daleks headed to the fairgrounds to celebrate Team RWBY's victory with food, which were packed with people from all over Remanent. "I may have worked up an appetite," said Blake. Her stomach then growled very loudly. "Gee, if only there was a place where we could get food," said Weiss sarcastically, "Oh wait." "It's okay Weiss," said Ruby, "I sometimes forget about the fairgrounds too." "I was being facetious." "WH--GAH! Well if you were hungry, why didn't you just say so?!" "C'mon," said Yang, "I know just the place." Weiss' scroll then vibrates, and shows her father is calling. She then rolls her eyes and hangs up. "Hey," said a voice, "might be hard to eat without this." Ruby turns and sees Emerald with her wallet. Ruby then checks her pockets and whimpers, "No, no, no, no, no!" Emerald then laughs and says, "Good to see you Ruby." "Oh, thanks Emerald," said Ruby as she gets her wallet back, "I guess I dropped it. Girl pockets are the worst." "So, what's up Em?" asked Ruby. "Oh I just came back from the stadium after watching your amazing fight," replied Emerald, "you were awesome!" Ruby then mumbles in flattery. "I heard your team made it to the next round too," said Blake. "Yeah," said Yang, "How about we all go out and celebrate together with the rest of your team?" "Thank you," said Emerald, "but all my other teammates are kind of... introverted." This was emphasized as Mercury sniffed a boot. The Team looked at him with weird and confused looks. "Really socially awkward," whispers Emerald. "Yeah," said Yang, "I can see that." "Yeah," said Emerald, "so looks like Merc and I will be moving onto the doubles round. What about you guys?" "Well, being the leader of this team," said Ruby, "I thought long and hard..." "We put it to a vote," interrupted Weiss. "...That we put it to a vote." "We voted for Weiss and Yang." said Blake. "I will gladly represent Team RWBY," said Weiss. Yang then pounded her fists together and said, "Yeah, we're gonna kick some butt!" Emerald then laughed and said, "Well if Merc and I see you down the line, don't think we'll go easy on you guys." She then walked away with Mercury, who asked her, "So how are they new 'friends'." "I hate them," replied Emerald. "Orders are orders," Mercury replied. "It's just," said Emerald, "How can they be so happy all the time?" Derek saw it, and they listened to their conversation. "So, how do you think Cinder is with those other Daleks? The Grimm ones." "I don't know. She must be a bit stressed giving them orders, and they never stop yelling."

The team sat at a noodle booth. "I'll take a usual," said Yang. She then got a bowl of noodles. The rest then got the same. Blake then asked for something more appetizing. She then got a bowl with fish on top. Blake drooled and had stars in her eyes at the sight of her food. Weiss then took out her card and said, "Consider it my token for competing in the doubles." Her card was then thrown back at the desk and they all saw that the card was declined. "What?" exclaimed Weiss, "How can my card be declined? I was barely into my monthly allowance." Blake then tried to eat her food, but the man took them away as she said, "Noooooooooooooooooo..............." "Maybe I could help?" The team looked and saw JNPR walking over. "PYRRHA!" cried Ruby happily. "Oh you don't have to do that," said Yang kindly. "But she could," said Blake. She really wanted those fish.

Soon, everyone was stuffed. "I think I'm gonna throw up," said Jaune. "AIM IT AT THE ENEMY!" said Nora enthusiastically. "No, don't," said Pyrrha, "Although if you do have the urge, do point it at the opposing team." "Hey," said Yang, "Good luck to you guys." "Oh come on," said Nora, "I think we've got it in the bag. We've got a world renowned fighter, what's basically a ninja, I can go nuts on sugar, and... Jaune." "Are you gonna stand for that?" asked Pyrrha. "She's not wrong," said Jaune. "Don't worry Jaune," said Nora, "It won't be that bad. The worst that could happen is that we lose. Then it's just a few more years of school where we won't have anyone sit next to us in the cafeteria, our friends will abandon us to save their social status, we won't be able to show our faces in classes, Ren and I have no parents, and we'll be officially renamed "Losiper" and we will leave this school in shame and we will be failures for the rest of our lives. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe................. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone looked at Nora with weird eyes. "Will Team JNPR please report to the colosseum for the next round of the tournament?" called Glynda on the overspeakers. "Oh," said Pyrrha, "That's our cue." "Break a leg!" cried Ruby.


"You believe it to be Davros' daughter?" asked (Y/N). "Yes," said Derek, "Permission to look into their personal records?" "Permission granted." Derek then left to the Beacon Data Base. "Alert!! Alert!!" said Donald, "Power fluctuations similar to the maiden wave patterns!" "It must be the False Maiden. Dalek Darren, send a squad to find the source." "I obey!" Darren then turned on a communications channel. "Dalek Units 12-16, investigate the source!" "WE OBEY!!!"

"Team JNPR was on the battlefield where the two teachers introduced the teams. "Team JNPR of Beacon," announced Professor Port, "Versus Team BRNZ (Bronze) of Vacuo." "Well," said Emerald, "This looks interesting." "Yeah," said Mercury, "we already know who's gonna win." Cinder came and said to them, "Just because you know how a story ends doesn't make it less fun to watch." The Dalek Units were watching from above in the last row, and they scanned Cinder. "DNA matches mysterious woman from the bullhead, and the tower," said 13. "Small energy readings from the female were detected, and they match the wave patterns of the maiden as well!" said 12. "We will report to to the Supreme Dalek!" said 16.  "And," said Oobleck, "BEGIN!" And the two teams on the field charged!!

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