Chapter 5: Stray

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Team RWBY + _ was in the city to check out the sights. "Oh," said Weiss, "I'm so excited!" "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much Weiss," said Ruby, "It's really strange for me." "How could you not smile?" asked Weiss, "A festival dedicated to the history of the kingdoms, a dance, a tournament! Oh the planning of this is breath taking!" "Wow," said Yang, "you really know how to make something amazing sound boring." "Shut up!" retorted Weiss. "Why must I be dragged here as well?" asked (Y/N). "You're part of the team, so, you had to come," said Ruby.

At the docks, Ruby asked "So why are we here at the docks?" "As a representative of Beacon, I feel it is right to welcome transfer students from other academies," said Weiss. "She just wants to observe the competition to give her an upper hand in the tournament," said Blake. "YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT!!" They all then noticed a police investigation and walked down to the scene. "What happened here officer?" asked Blake. "Dust robbery," said one officer, "This is the second store this month to get robbed where they took the Dust and left the money. Who needs this much dust?" "The White Fang maybe?" said another officer. "The White Fang," said Weiss, "I should've known." "What do you mean?" asked Blake. "I just have no respect for a criminally insane race. It's just the White Fang are just pure evil." "There's no such thing as pure evil, they're just a group of misguided Faunus." "MisGUIDED!? They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet!" "Okay, so they're very misguided." Just then someone from the docks yelled, "HEY, SOMEONE STOP THAT FAUNUS!!" A Faunus with yellow hair, an open shirt and blue jeans and a monkey tail ran from a boat that just ported, and was on a lamp post eating a banana. "Thanks for the ride guys," said the Faunus. "GET DOWN FROM THERE YOU NO GOOD STOWAWAY!" yelled an officer. "HEY!" cried the Faunus, "A no good stowaway would've been caught. I'm a GREAT stowaway." "Come down here, now." The Faunus responded to the officers by dropping the banana peel on his face. The detectives from the store then threw a rock at him. (Y/N) took action. "HAULT!!!" he cried. "Oh, jeez, what are you!?!" "I am Dalek (Y/N), and I should report you for violation of hate crimes!!!" "Hey, just back off. He-" "Traveled here from Vacuo, didn't do anything to sabotage the trip, was no harm to the crew, and packed his own food!! I can report you now, if you do not leave this civilian alone!!! And you left your post from a real crime!!!!"

The detectives walked away, and pale, and ran back to the store. (Y/N) then rolled up with the Faunus by his side. "That was AWESOME!!!" said Ruby. "I can't stand bullies, it just reminds me of my past," said (Y/N). "I'm sorry if that did. Name's Sun." "Hey Sun, I'm Ruby." "Weiss." "Blake." "Yang." "(Y/N)." "Hey, I was just here to get early from Haven." "What about classes?" asked Ruby. "Did your school not give you your break?" "No, it didn't," said Weiss. (Y/N) then said, "Excuse us please." He then rolled off, grabbing Weiss by her ponytail, and rolled off. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?" "HE'S A DEGENERATE!!! A RAPSCALION!!! A DELINQUENT!!!!" "GOD DAMN IT WEISS!!! THIS IS JUST LIKE RUBY!!!! GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, OR ELSE, YOU WILL BE-" "Is something wrong?" The two turned to see a young girl with orange hair, and freckles under her eyes. "I'm sorry," said (Y/N), "I was just dealing with a racist here." "Well, your team mates seem to be stressed," said the girl. (Y/N) looked to see RBY and Sun looking at him with shocked faces. "Sorry," said (Y/N), "I am Dalek (Y/N). What is your name?" "Penny, it's a pleasure to meet you!" "Hi Penny, I'm Ruby." "Weiss." "Blake." "Sun." "Yang." "It's a pleasure to meet you!" said Penny. "You already said that," said Yang. "So I did," replied Penny after pausing for a while. "Well," said Sun, "It was nice meeting you all. I'm gonna...... go check things out." Sun then left. "Why does everyone think I'm weird?" asked Penny. "It's alright," said (Y/N), "You can't always judged a book by it's cover." "Still, I can't believe you stood up for that Filthy Faunus!!" said Weiss. "Would you STOP THAT!?" yelled Blake. "STOP WHAT!? Weiss yelled back. "STOP CALLING HIM A RIFF RAFF! STOP CALLING HIM A DEGENERATE! HE'S A PERSON LIKE YOU!" "I'M SORRY, WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO STOP REFERRING TO THIS TRASH CAN AS A TRASH CAN?!? OR THIS LAMP POST AS A LAMP POST!?!"

At Beacon, the two were still arguing. "You know WHY, I despise the White Fang!?! It's because those Faunus only know how to LYE, CHEAT, AND STEAL!!" "WELL MAYBE WE WERE JUST TIRED OF GETTING PUSHED AROUND!!!!" yelled Blake. Then there was silence, and Blake ran out. "I can't bel-" "Shut up," said (Y/N). "But she-" "SHUT UP!!!!! IT'S ALL THE SAME WITH YOU!!!! YOU ACT LIKE YOUR RIGHT, AND THE REST OF THE WORLD IS WRONG!!!! A HUNTRESS IS SUPPOSED TO BE KIND, AND CARING, NO MATTER WHAT RACE A PERSON IS!!! I THOUGHT ALL THE LECTURES WOULD HAVE GOTTEN TO YOU BY NOW!!!! BUT NO!!! YOU ARE STILL AN ARROGANT LITTLE SHIT!!!!!" (Y/N) then rolled out, after Blake. Weiss then looked down at the floor, and broke down crying, "He's right. I am just an arrogant little shit."

(Y/N) followed Blake, and he made sure she stayed out of trouble.

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