Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning

"I will marry you again, love." Cate moved her head to the side to kiss her wife's palm that was touching her cheek, "Just wait once everything is perfectly alright, okay?"

"Yes." The brunette uttered as she kissed the blonde's lips sweetly, "Yes, baby."


𝑳𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒊𝒙 𝑷𝑴...

The skies were already dark as they both went outside. New York seemed a little bit colder that night. The ground beneath them felt a bit unfamiliar, yet, the million stars above felt so much like home. Uncertainties were blurring the doors ahead, but the glow of the stars somehow made a difference.

That night, the still so far New Year's breeze wrapped them around its blanket. The stars were humming songs, determined to lull them to sleep, and the grass on the ground turned feathery light as the cotton in the skies; dreamhavens and nightmarehells gradually tried to reach both of them and the flowers on the sidewalk spoke of incantations, trying to snatch them away from midnight devil hours. Sandra would be going home and Cate would be meeting Abby. One night to take a step into ending things; one night to pull the skin of the problem and fold it like it never existed. The warm glow of the night somehow made their trembling hearts calm.

“Feeling alright?” Asked the blonde dressed in a black sundress as she squeezed Sandra's hand lightly.

“Yes. It’s just that..." The brunette sighed, "I am going to miss you. I have gotten immune to the fact that we are always together and now I have to go back home,.." Sandra stopped as she turned to face Cate, "...without you."

"Want me to drive you there?" The blonde offered as she held Sandra's hips.

"No, baby." Sandra moved, latched on the blonde's arm and let her head rest upon Cate's shoulder, "I'm all fine. I'll just miss you."

“Baby..." Cate laughed softly, "You'll go back here. You'll see me again tomorrow.” She replied and looked at her face lovingly as if she was staring at the resting moon.

A sudden gust of wind blew some of Sandra's hair away and she stood there, beside the car, in front of the blonde - so beautiful and ethereal. Cate smiled as she took a longing gaze of her solemn face, a sweet look full of longing, relief, and happiness. They stood there in silence as their eyes spoke before the brunette rested her head upon Cate's neck, and the blonde was able to smell her shampoo. It had a hint of oranges, a kiss of vanilla, lavender, and home.

"I'll miss you." Sandra uttered against the brunette's neck as she tightened her hold around the blonde's waist.

Cate rubbed the back of Sandra's head, "I know. I'll miss you too."

“Kiss me?”

And just like that, Cate watched as Sandra raised her head to meet her ocean blue eyes. Those eyes, with their light hazelnut color, accented by the orange shine of the gleaming moon; the deeper Cate looked at them, the more intense the feeling of drowning she felt upon her chest. How could someone so beautiful, so angelic and warm still be broken? How could the universe let Sandra be hammered with all the happenings that had happened to her? The blonde slowly gulped that her wife - the one standing in front of her, the one looking deep into her eyes - was a pure angel. Gradually, Cate felt her heartbeat fasten as the brunette slowly reached for her hand and held it firmly. It was like Sandra was giving her an unuttered promise. I'll hold you...forever.

The blonde watched as she then suddenly closed her eyes and slowly stood on her toes firmly as if waiting for her to kiss her lips. It was in that moment that she realized that a house without her was a place she couldn't call home. Cate then found herself got caught up in the heat of the moment, and appositely, she closed her eyes and went for it.

It was warm. Not the usual warmth; but it was something that slowly crept in their hearts and engulfed it as it went deeper. And indeed they felt it. They felt the warmth slowly covering their faces and creeping into their hearts, making it  beat even faster.

They felt their saliva mixed as their tongues swirled against each other as if it’s the last time they’ll ever meet. Sandra went deeper and the blonde felt her tongue trying to go deeper as well.  Sandra's hand tighten its grasp as she leaned closer, and Cate wasn’t going to lose and so she pushed her lips harder as she tried to reach out the deepest parts of Sandra's mouth. The blonde blindly grabbed her waist with her other arm in an attempt to kiss her deeper. She heard her muffled voice; she was out of breath and so was Cate.

"God..." Sandra uttered, closing her eyes - savoring the stillness of time, as she leaned her forehead against Cate's, "Goodness, I am so in love with you." She breathed as she touched Cate's lips with her fingers, "I love you, baby."

The blonde pulled her through her waist as she smiled, "I love you, too." She replied as she took out a another smile for her wife to see, "You sure about not letting me drive you there?"

The brunette laughed as she pulled away from the blonde, "Yes. Hundred percent. See you tomorrow?"

"Yes." Cate nodded as she planted a quick kiss on the brunette's hand, "Take care, baby. Drive safely."

"I will. You too."

And out Sandra was. Cate watched her as she opened the car door. The brunette slipped into the driver seat as Cate stood outside, a smile on her face, waiting for her to drive away. The engine roared, and just when Cate thought Sandra would drive, the brunette took her seatbelt off, opened the car door and ran back to where Cate was. A giggle. A chuckle and two strong arms wrapped around the blonde's neck when Sandra went back to her again.

"Hey, hey, missy." The blonde cackled as she held the brunette's waist, "What's going on?"

"I'll miss you."

"I know, baby. And we are going to see each other tomorrow."

Sandra gave her a smile before she looked up, "Kiss me." She whispered.

And that didn't need to be  told twice. Under the starry evening of December, the billion dead stars up above watching them both, Cate claimed Sandra's lips in a wet, sloppy kiss.


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