"AVE!" Regulus ran to her


"Milo wrote something" He gave Aven the piece of paper

Dear wankers

don't worry i'll be back
i just need to get a few stuff back at home

Sincerely Emillio not Milo you assholes

"Shit" Aven cursed as she sat down on the couch

"Shit shit shit shit"

"He'll be okay, Ave" Sirius grabbed her hand

"Fuck what if they did something to him?"

"The last time i went there, alcohol were spread all over the table" Aven ran her hands worriedly

"He'll come back, Ave" Regulus smiled at her

"I know i'm just worried, you know"

Whilst Aven was worrying, Emillio was standing in front of the Cross household. He honestly doesn't even know why he's here, maybe it's because he needed the stuff that he's about to grab, or maybe it's because he still has hope that this time, his family will be better. Like Aven, he spend his days thinking about his family. Wishing that they're a perfect family.

Emillio opened the door and ran to his room, trying to escape his family. He grabbed a few clothes and the bracelet that Aven made for him. He went downstairs as tears fell down his face.

The memory of this house kept him up almost every single night. He can still hear the laughs of his siblings in his head. Of course the Cross family had happy moments, they were a normal family. But now, well the situation is different.

Emillio walked to the kitchen to see his family. It's funny, seeing his family is the last thing he wanted, but at the same time he felt like he had to see them. If he could turn back time and run away as fast as he could, he would've.

Alcohol were everywhere, his siblings were laughing like maniacs, his parents were doing the same thing, even though his mother was only tipsy.

It isn't unusual for him to see his family in this exact condition. In fact, when they were still living here, Aven and Emillio were the ones to clean up the mess.

They were the one who took care of the house, their siblings, their parents. They were the one who gave them painkillers and made the family breakfast to get rid of their hungover, but none of them thanked the two. Not even once.

"Look who it is" Iris slurred pointing at Emillio

"Brother Emillio!" Damien cheered

"Hey come here!" Ivan patted the chair next to him

"I would rather die" Emillio smiled

"Hey Emillio, you should stay" Blair suggested

"Yes Aven's not good for you" Marcus told him squinting his eyes as he walked closer to Emillio

"She's too weak to think about what's good and what's not" Damien laughed

"SHUT UP" Emillio yelled

"She went through so much and none of you were fucking there"

"We were always there for both of you, okay!" Ivan exclaimed

"There's a fucking difference between the people who are always around and the people who've always been there" Emillio spat

"Where were you when she was laying on her death bed huh? You don't get to call her weak, she's the strongest person i know" Emillio started to leave but he stopped and walked back

"How dare you call her weak? You know zero shit about her, Merlin about us! Hit after hit, bruise after bruise, tear after tear. No matter what life threw, she kept moving on without any fear"

"While you were debating for who's right, she was fighting for her life. While you were fighting for money, she was trying her best to make it. While you were here trying to prove a point, she was trying to make everyone feel welcomed and loved. While you were here screaming at each other's throats, she was trying her best to make you proud." Emillio yelled as he let out a tear

"So don't you dare call her weak because she is the strongest person i know. Everyday she evolves, she grew, she matured. And what about you little shits huh?"

"You know, coming here i thought that maybe you've changed, but no. You're still the same assholes that you were" Emillio laughed bitterly before walking away

go milo go milo go

yeah i've lost the ability to write 🤩

and now my back hurts 😻

Stargazing|Sirius Black [ON HOLD]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz