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chapter forty nine;
the voices

HEARING PEOPLE talk is exhausting,let alone hearing voices in your head almost every single hour

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HEARING PEOPLE talk is exhausting,
let alone hearing voices in your head almost every single hour. It wasn't a secret that Aven has been having some post traumatic stress after the whole getting tortured by death eaters.

The word spread like a butter, people outside Hogwarts kept talking about the girl who survived. As much as Aven love to know that people cares about her, she also loves to sleep in peace.

After answering a bunch of questions, Aven left the Hospital Wing due to her needing some fresh air. Sirius had left to take a shower, so she was left alone.

She walked to the one place she always goes to when she needed some air. The Black Lake. The atmosphere of the Black Lake always calmed her down. Maybe it's because of the seagulls flying above her, or maybe it's because the air in the Black Lake is so fresh. She doesn't know the real reason why, but she loves it nonetheless.

After 10 minute of peace, the voices crept in her head again. This one is different than the others. The voices that she heard before was muffled, but now it was crystal clear.

She knew that Voldemort would never give up so easily, she knew that the dark lord would find a way to disturb her.
And it seems that he found a way to do that.


"This us not the end"

"I will come for you and your family"

"I will kill your friends one by one in front of you"

"I will have my people torture your dearest Sirius Black"

"I will slaughter your family"

"I will kill those who are at Hogwarts"

"And at last, i will kill you" The voice whispered in her head

Although she must admit that the words Voldemort chose were simply cringe, it doesn't stop her from being terrified l. Not of Voldemort, but for her loved ones. Aven doesn't care about Voldemort killing her, but when she couldn't stand the thought of her loved ones dying.

The voices caused a very painful headache. She felt like as if her brain were being torn out of her head. The pain in her chest slowly hardened. She couldn't scream or move.

It was like the day in the Graveyard, she felt as if someone is deflecting the Cruciatus spell towards her. She tried to move but she can't, her body was too exhausted to move. It was then, the darkness took over her.

Sirius walked back to the Hospital Wing with flowers and a lollipop for Aven. He was expecting to see her there, obviously. But when he arrived, well she wasn't there.

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