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chapter forty six;
the third task

 THE DAY OF the third task is here

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THE DAY OF the third task is here.
Scared, nervous, anxious would be the words to explain what the three champions are feeling right now. Today is the day that will determine who will be the champion. If the three champions are being honest, they don't give a shit about winning. They've grown so close for the past few months, so they're pretty much sad because after all of this is over, they're going their separate ways.

"Ave, you have to eat" Remus frowned looking at his best friend

"I'm full Remmy" Aven smiled

"You haven't eaten anything Ave" Peter raised his eyebrows

"Exactly, you can't be full if you have eaten anything yet" James sternly said

"Yeah i know, where's Sirius anyways?"

"Look behind you love"

And there Aven saw Sirius holding a flower, but that wasn't all. Behind him were a few first years holding different types of flowers.

"Sirius, what?" Aven gasped

"Dogs, start" Sirius instructed the first years

Well everyone is obviously watching them now.

"Dogs?" Beatrice asked confusedly

"He's weird, don't worry about it" Peter said looking at his girlfriend



"AVEN IS THE BEST AND SIRIUS IS THE HOTTEST PERSON" The first years harmonized together

Sirius swayed as the first years sang. The whole school watched with amusement in their faces. Aven could only laugh and hide her face.

"Thankyou everyone" Sirius and the first years bowed down as Sirius winked at Aven

The first years sat on their tables, eating the good ass food in front of them.

"Do you like my performance?" Sirius smirked

"Sure" Aven laughed

"Just a 'sure'?" Sirius gasped

"I love it Pads, though i don't know how you get the first years to do it"

"Well that's because i'm Sirius" Sirius smirked proudly

"Yeah okay" Aven rolled her eyes

"You told them that you'll give them Aven's signature huh?" Marlene asked

"Yeah, please sign this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and this" Sirius gave Aven some papers and a pen

"Merlin Pads" Aven laughed as she signed the papers and she conjured some lollipops and some chocolate bars and she sticks the candies on the papers

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