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chapter thirty-two;
the oblivious friend

 A WEEK PASSED and loads ofboys, girls and non-binaries, kept asking Aven if she wanted to be their date

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A WEEK PASSED and loads of
boys, girls and non-binaries, kept asking Aven if she wanted to be their date.As much as Aven hated to say no, she had to because she's still waiting for one person.

And that one person is none other than Sirius. After months and months and months of denying her feelings towards the boy,she finally came to the conclusion that actually do like him. After realizing her feelings, she couldn't help but blush and get flustered every single time Sirius talking to her or just simply looked at her.
Sometimes she would ran away due to her face turning so red to the point where her body temperature is so hot.

As for Sirius, he kept thinking that Aven doesn't like him back. Considering every single time he wanted to talk to her,she would run away. His feelings for her is so strong that sometimes all he could think about is her,which he never really experienced with the girls that he used to be with in the past.

The two would still deny that they like each other every single time their friends brought up the topic.

"What's your opinion?" Remus asked the two who played with their food avoiding each other's gaze

"Hello?" Peter waved his hand in front of them

"Earth to Prongs and Star" James snapped his fingers,still no answer from them

"GUYS LOOK ALICE AND FRANK ARE KISSING EACH OTHER" Sofia yelled which caused the two to look up

"WHAT WHERE?" The two asked at the same time

"No they're not they're just blushing" Sirius huffed looking at Frank and Alice who looked down blushing

"You didn't answer my question" Remus told Aven and Sirius

"Sorry,what was the question again" The two of the asked at the same time again

"Merlin they are so in sync" Lily said

"I don't get how they're a matchmaker but they can't even realize their match" Dorcas shook her head

"Merlin i know right? like their match is literally in front of them" Marlene chuckled at her best friend's obliviousness

"We can hear you!" The two exclaimed

"Yeah we know" Alice said

"That's like the whole point" Frank added

"And what are you on about?" Sirius asked

"If our match is right in front of us wouldn't we date them already?" Aven asked running her hand through her hair

"I don't know why don't you two tell us" Lily smirked

"What are you on about?" The two huffed

"God you guys are so oblivious,even i know what they're talking about!" Peter exclaimed

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