An ordinary day at Hogwarts

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It was a hot, sunny, beautiful day. The sky was blue, the birds were singing, the owls were hooting and the students of the Great castle behind them were talking, swimming whit the giant squid or occasionally laughing because Filch, the caretaker, was shouting and running after students whit a broom in his hand.
Well, in a matter of fact, everything like everyone were quiet and...

'MOOOOONY ! Catch me I'm FALLII- Arghh'
'Padfoot! You great stupid guy! What have you been doing?
'Leave him like that Moony, he's comfortable the way he is.'

Well not everything like everyone were quiet.

'Wait till I catch you Prongs, the one who can't even talk to a girl whitout blushing so furiously that he's looking like a tomato whit black hair.'


'OI, you lot get the hell out of here.'

'Oh, hello Evans. Fancy taking a drink whit me?'

'I would chose the giant squid over you so save your breath, it won't work.'

'Ha, what did I say? He has being rejected by her once more!'

'Shut up, Padfoot!'

' Ooooooh! What does little ickle jamy have? Is he embarraaaassed?'

'That's enough Sirius. So, Lily what did you-'


'Well I came to warn you that this place on which you landed, Black, it's infested by very offensive Doxies. So unless you get your fat backside off the ground now, I wish you good luck.'

'I swear I'm going to kill Evans,' said Sirius under his breath.

He and the three other Marauders were at the common room, trying to finish an exhausting potion work which lasted hours. James, Remus and Peter has just been joined by Sirius who had
spent the last five hours in the Hospital Wings.

'Hey! Don't you dare try and hurt my future girlfriend!' said James, looking at Sirius amusingly.

"Well see what she has done! She warned me too late!"

"Well, Padfoot, now you learned that you should never play whit super explosive fireworks," said Remus, not looking up from his book.

"Easy for you to say, you have never been bitten by offensive Doxies,"Sirius said while rubbing vigorously his back.

'You began the problem, you payed it,' said James cheerfully.

'Oh shut up will you?'

'Not till I-'

But they never knew the rest of James sentence.
At that precise moment, there was a so loud "BANG" that the walls of the common room seemed to move slightly. There was white smoke everywhere and everyone were coughing.
'Don't move!' said suddenly a male voice.

To be continued ;)

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