Chapter 9

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Charlotte walked off she's wired Rayan said laughing
Charlotte Pov: now just got to get my plan in actions she said evilly Gabe!

What Charlotte Ethan's hurt what he got suck on a cliff Gabe ran to the factory that's before the mines when Gabe, had his back turned Charlotte stabbed him in the stomach wtf he said falling to the ground you see Gabe.all I wanted was you dead, ha ha, ha ha, they would never expect it was me because I love you so much, it wasn't hacked to get you all alone I hope you burn hell, Charlotte walked off with her blade.

5 hours later
We're my bother Alex asked Rayan I have no idea I dropped him off at the bar Alex and Ryan both look everywhere for Gabe , but couldn't find him.Rayan new one place he didn't check which was the the mines he walked to the mind's and saw a body he rushes over and saw Gabe helpless body he pulled out his phone and called ambulance after a couple minutes, the ambulance is there. They picked up Gabe and putting him on a stretcher. We have room for one more person if You would like Rayan didn't hesitate to come along

Rayn was waiting in the waiting room with Alex and Steph god this is all my fault rayan said quietly so no could here but Alex could since that, he thinks it's his fault Rayn it not your fault who ever did this will have two pay she said then she hugged Rayn then the nurse came out is he ok Rayn asked well he's......

I think there will be a couple more chapters after this please go check out my new book it's called. I found a way right to you, please go check it out.thank you so much for 353 Reader's ❤🧡💛💚💙💜💗🤎🖤🤍🥳👑👑👑🥺🥺🥺

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