Chapter 3.

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The next morning Alex got up to make breakfast for her and her brother.

"What should I make" Alex thought 

Alex saw pancake mixes in the  Covered. 


Alex heard her phone going  so she went to take a look how was calling her. 


"Hey princess just wondering if you wane go for a ride with me? "

Alex  blush at what Steph called her. 

"Ya that sound fun, what time? "

"How about around  noon? "

"Sound great"

Alex hung up the phone  and finished up making the pancakes. Gabe finally woke up from his  beauty sleep, 


"Her some pancakes" Alex said while pass the plate of pancakes to him. 

"I have to work at the bar today" Gabe said 

"That sound fun, by the way I'm going out with Steph. "

"That sound fun"

Gabe left to head off to work, Alex through on a black  band shrit and a black  skirt. Alex head off to meet Steph. 

"Wow you look hot"

"Thank not so bad yourself"

Alex looked Steph beautiful motorcycle. 

"Are you ready to go for a ride "

" Born ready " Alex said 

The to road off, end up by a lake"

"Wow this is amazing "

"Ya it  like an adventure"

The two watch the  water splash  against the rock. 

"Random question how along has Gabe and  Ryan known each other"

" Well they known each for a while.Everyone expect Jed (Ryan father) knew that Gabe had fat crush on Ryan"

"That cute "

"Well Ethan was one who called it"

Alex and Steph  both laughed and joy their time together. 

The two head back to the bar. 

"Hey Steph and Alex" Gabe said 

"Hey" the two said back 

Gabe came closer to talke. 

"We should got the bar in the next town over " said Gabe 

"Ya it going to be wild" said Ryan 

"Sure let's go" said both Alex and Steph  

Before they could say anything else Jed interrupted.

"You better be home by 9"

"Dad I'm not 5 yeas, old 25 I can take care of myself"

"Just looking out for you son" 

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