I paused for a second. That man was going to kill me. He didn’t even know who I was, just that I was important to Jax and that was enough to end my life. I swallowed hard and pushed that thought down my throat.

“Jax made a move and he stabbed him.” I said.

Unser asked me where and I pointed to my collarbone. There was so much blood. I told him that I grabbed the board and hit the man with it so Jax could grab the gun.

“Then Jax followed him out the door and told me to wait for the cops.”

I didn’t tell him how Jax kissed me. I knew in that moment that he did love me. If he didn’t, he would’ve just chased after the guy and not have said anything. He was relieved that I was alright. I could feel it in that kiss.

We sat in silence for a few minutes and I started to get antsy. I wanted to see Jax. I needed to see him. I didn’t even know if he was okay.

“Is Jax alright?” I asked him.

He sighed and closed the notebook.

“I don’t know, sweetheart.” He said.

A lump formed in my throat and I choked back a sob. Jax could be really hurt or worse.

“I want to see him.” I said.

He nodded and rose from the chair.

“Just hang tight a minute, okay?” He said.

I nodded and he walked out of the room, leaving me alone. I pulled my legs up under me and held them tight. Maybe if I wouldn’t have left last night, this wouldn’t have happened. I wouldn’t have been at the house and Jax would be okay. Tears rolled down my cheeks, but I wasn’t sobbing. In fact, I felt numb.

A few minutes later, the door opened and two Sheriffs came in.

“We’d like to ask you a few questions if that’s alright.” One of them said.

He was tall and slender with a crew cut. His badge said ‘Deputy’ on it and he looked like a hard ass. Perfect. The other one was a little older and softer looking. He reminded me of Unser.

“I just told Unser everything. I just want to see Jax.” I said.

Office Hard Ass clenched his jaw and walked stiffly around the table and sat where Unser had.

“You will, after we get your statement.” He said very coldly.

I looked at his partner and he just crossed his arms and nodded. I could tell by their demeanors that Hard Ass got promoted over Office Good ol’ Boy and he was bitter about it. I let out a frustrated sigh and sat back in my chair.

“So, you’ve never seen this man before today?” Hard Ass asked.

I shook my head.

“No. But I already told that to Unser.”

I couldn’t help my annoyance. Office Hard Ass didn’t appreciate it. He gave me a glare and cracked his knuckles.

“His name was Marcus. He was an up and coming director of pornography that was recently put out of business by the Sons of Anarchy. Did you know anything about that?” He asked me.

I shook my head slowly. That’s what this was about? The guy wanted revenge because Jax and the club shut down his business? He was going to kill me over that?

“How would I know that?” I answered.

He shrugged and leaned back.

“You’re Teller’s girlfriend correct? If there was anyone that would know, wouldn’t it be you?” He asked.

On the Devil's Path {a SOA sequel}Where stories live. Discover now