Chapter 1

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Cover by: -goddesstier

I've gotten half way through this chapter and have rewritten it about three times because I was unhappy with how I was writing it so that is why it took so long to get posted.

*Freya's P.O.V*

I looked up from organizing the library books as a swarm of flies entered the library. They reformed in front of me and I stared at the smiling redhead. "Hello little fairy," she said as she sat down next to me.

I rolled my eyes at the nickname, knowing Daniela only said it to annoy me. She had started calling me little fairy when she found out my nickname was Faye. No one in this castle except Lady Dimitrescu, Miss Cassandra, and Miss Bela ever called me by my real name, which was Freya.

"How many books are out of place?" she questioned while looking at the books I had in my lap.

"I've moved seventeen back to their original spots, most of them ones that only you read," I said pointedly as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Watch your tone little fairy or I may just take you to the cellar," Daniela said as she smirked slightly as I rolled my eyes at the empty threat. The redhead seemed to enjoy threatening to eat me, apparently it was a sign of affection from her.

"Your mother would not be happy to have to replace a maid after just getting some new ones yesterday," I replied simply. "Especially since I am the only maid that tends to the garden," I stated as I started to put the books back in alphabetical order.

"She may be just a tiny bit upset," Daniela agreed as she pursed her lips in thought. "I have to leave you Freya, Mother is calling me. I'll see you after dinner for our annual story night," she said as she kissed my forehead before turning back into a swarm of flies and flying out of the room.

I felt my cheeks heat up from the rare show of affection and ignored the fact that my face was probably red. It was just a simple kiss on the forehead, it should not make me feel so happy but it did. Perhaps it was because I had been starved of affection for most of my life or perhaps it was because I very much craved affection from the people I was close with. The only person I was truly close with at the moment was Daniela.

I went back to sorting the books, trying to ignore the heat in my cheeks. I hummed softly to myself as I put the books back into place, stretching slightly as I did so. I frowned when one of the books needed to be put up high, I hated heights. I pulled the ladder over to where I needed it and started to climb it with one hand.

I stretched on my tippy toes to slide the book into place, freezing suddenly as a chill ran down my spine. I turned my head to make sure no one was in the room and released a small breath of relief as I turned my attention back to shelving the book. I shoved it into place quickly before going down the ladder.

'Now I can go work in the gardens,' I thought with a small smile as I made my way out of the library, planning to work in the gardens for the rest of the day. I needed to do some weeding as well as see which plants would need to be covered once it started to snow. Winter was coming very soon and while some plants were already going to die, some still had to be preserved to last through the snowy months.

I spent most of my day weeding the garden, feeling the peculiar sensation of being watched as I did so. However when I looked around, I never saw anyone or anything. Chills were constantly running down my back from the sensation as well as the cold air that was coming in with the wind.

I worked through dinner, by accident of course. I made a stop at the kitchens and grabbed some oranges. I could have gotten other foods but I liked oranges for two main reasons. One, they were sweet and two, the most important part, I could put a whole slice in my mouth and make a smile with it.

I shook my hands to dry them, having washed them while I was in the kitchen. I tugged at the peel of one of the oranges, removing the peel slowly as I walked into my room. I set the other oranges I had on my dresser and smiled when I saw a fly sitting on the mirror.

"Hello, are you one of Daniela's?" I questioned as I held my hand out to the fly, smiling when it crawled onto my hand. "I'm going to assume that's a yes," I smiled as I moved the fly to a shelf by the bed where it would be warmer. I removed a slice from my orange and left it on the shelf with the fly. "There you go," I said before I moved to sit on my bed, starting to eat my orange slices as I waited for Daniela.

I perked up when I heard a soft buzzing sound which quickly got closer and the flies swarmed into my room. I smiled when they reformed to reveal Daniela who was sitting on my bed, a book in hand.

"Dani," I said as I moved the blanket to get under the covers. "What story tonight?" I questioned as I cuddled up to her, ignoring the blood that covered her face. I could tell that she had tried to clean up but she had missed quite a few spots while doing so.

"I wanted to tell you the story of the House of Dimitrescu, as written by me," Daniela said as she let me rest my head on her shoulder. "We'll start from the beginning, with my mother," she stated as she opened the book. The book was made of leather and was well worn, the spine cracked from being opened repeatedly. The handwriting in the book was a mixture of sloppy and eloquent, seeming to switch depending on Daniela's state of mind.

I listened to Daniela with rapt attention, my thumb ending up in my mouth at some point. I could tell that Daniela loved her family, her voice radiating love. I frowned slightly as I wrapped my arm tightly around one of Daniela's, causing her to look at me.

"What is it little fairy?" she questioned as concern she pushed my hair out of my face.

"Dani be my family?" I asked around my thumb as I looked up at her hopefully. Her face softened as she cupped my face gently.

"Of course I'll be your family," she said, a soft smile on her lips.

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