"I wish you would tell me why you're following me." He raises an eyebrow at my words, probably impressed by the fact that I figured it out. "What? You thought I would believe your work lie? You look too casual for business."

Dax licks his lips, looking down as he chuckles to himself.

"Okay...you caught me. I was following you."

This should have scared me but for some reason, it only makes me light up from the inside. Guys don't follow me, especially the ones who know my past. There is a reason my family pushed me to a small-town university to complete my studies instead of one of the big cities.

My Dad, Felipe Sanz, likes to hold his reputation intact, even if his daughter's was tarnished.

"For what reason, may I ask?"

I touch a palm to Dax's cheek, greeting the five o'clock shadow and he uses his hand behind my back to pull me from my seat to his lap. I am perched on one of his sturdy thighs as he trails his fingers over my bare leg.

"You fascinate me, Daria..." Dax says, his voice dropping to a husky timbre. "I want to know you."

"I'm afraid you won't find me that fascinating after that." I use my fingers to run a hand over his head. His hair is so smooth. "Part of the charm lies in the mystery, right?"

Dax doesn't say anything as he keeps his eyes fixed on me. It is now that I see their color properly. They are bluer than the sky.

"I hate mysteries," he says, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I'm more into eroticism."

He brings his mouth close to mine and maybe it's our proximity, or the heat of his body, or the fact that I am sitting on his lap, but that's when I throw all cautions away as I let him kiss me.

His lips are slow and delicate at first, waiting for me to push them away but when I grab the collar of his shirt to pull him closer, he takes that as a sign to unleash himself.

He slides his hand under my dress, his fingers digging on my hips, making me gasp. I part my mouth to let his tongue slide in. Each stroke is possessive, tasting of beer, cigarettes, and unfamiliar stuff. The good stuff. It feels like a proper kiss, considering he is the second boy I have ever kissed.

Dax's arms wrap tighter around me as he picks me up in his arms, carrying me to a darkened corner of the room. Our mouths battle together, a mix of sweet delicacies and bad decisions as he presses my back against a wall.

His palms cup my ass, pushing me further up until he and I are of similar height. I kiss him with all force, never wanting to stop.

It feels fun, thrilling, erotic even and...

The dark room.

The sound of his zipper sliding open.

The rustle of clothes.

His face between my legs.

The groans.

His touch.

The pain...

"No!" I exclaim suddenly as I pull away from Dax.

He is startled and stares at me just as I stare at him. We are both flushed and breathing heavily.

Dax is not him. Dax is not him at all.

"What happened?" Dax asks when I climb down his body, embarrassed as I straighten my skirt.

"I...I'm sorry..." I tell him, fighting back the tears. "It's...it's nothing..."

"Hey, hey, hey..." he interrupts, putting his hand over my arms and rubbing in a comforting way. "It's fine. I won't force you."

I look up at him and see genuine concern reflecting in his eyes. It makes me feel a little relieved. Most guys freak out when they see that side of me.

The ruined side which would never let me progress in life.

"I...I'm so sorry, Dax..."

His name sounds so good when I say it and his eyes sparkle at the same time with awareness.

"It's okay, Daria. I understand."

I try to smile at his words. The lightness in them is comforting.

Dax doesn't seem like a bad guy at all. Maybe I was wrong to judge him. Just because he is part of the notorious Rider Gods doesn't mean that he is a bad guy. That's part of his legacy. No doubt that I didn't like the way he beat up my best friend today but Simon was at fault too for taking money from Dax's brother in the first place.

"Dax...I..." I began to say but the ring of Dax's phone disturbs us.

He reaches into his pocket and receives it. I watch as his expression changes from being the smiley-faced charming boy to turning serious instantly.

"You gotta be kidding me!" he grunts as he cuts the call.

His jaw ticks with anger but when he sees me looking at him, he tries to maintain his calm.

"It kills me to end things like this between us, Daria, but I have to go. It's urgent."

My heart drops at his words. He can't just leave now after making out with me. That seems offensive.

"Huh...is it family?" I ask.

"Business," he answers with a quick smile.

He leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I close my eyes when his lips lightly brush over mine once, but when I open them, he is gone.

I look at his parting figure as he hurries out of the party. When he has disappeared, I sigh, turning to find Tina standing behind me. She has a cup of fruit juice in her hand and her eyes are throwing daggers at me. I didn't even realize how long she must have been there.

She looks terrifying.

"D, remember this moment when I say that any Spencer in this town is bad news," Tina begins, walking towards me as I stare at her in confusion.

"You know him?"

"Enough to warn you to stay away from him. The Spencer brothers are known to destroy, D. Stay away from Dax."

The hate in her eyes for Dax is unmistakable and it makes me feel like she has just invaded my privacy with him someway.

"Thanks for the warning, T. But I think I'm much capable of making my own decisions."

Tina purses her lips, giving me a glare.

"Do as you wish." She takes a sip of her juice as she turns back to walk away. "Just remember that I warned you. Fraternizing with a Spencer will ruin you."


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