03 | Flirting

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three • flirting

Pretty face

At first, I think I am dreaming but then he turns me around, making me face him, and my lips part on their own accord at the sight.

He looks even more handsome at night - like a wolf coming out to hunt its prey. I didn't think it would be possible but Dax Spencer is an enigma. I bet he has heads turning on streets just to see him pass by.

He is not wearing his afternoon clothes but has changed into a black shirt and slacks. His hair is tousled as if he ran his fingers through them over and over. He has a boyish grin on his manly face which makes me stare at him shamelessly.

The music turns a pitch louder and Dax wraps his bulky arms around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest as he did before.

"Spellbound, baby?" he asks in an amused voice.

A smile catches my lips as I circle my hands on the back of his neck, relishing the feel of him. Flirting with danger seems to be on tonight's agenda.

"Not exactly," I answer and he chuckles deeply.

His hands move to caress the sides of my body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. It has only been a few minutes and I already feel turned on by the sight of him. He is so tall, built of firm muscles and hard edges. I want to run my hands all over him, to see if he would do the same in return.

"I have missed you, Daria..." he breathes my name with extra pressure like he is trying to prove a point as to why he is here tonight.

"I didn't catch you as the party type."

"Came for work, babe..." He twirls me around and then pulls me to press my back to his chest again, inhaling the scent of my hair. "Staying for you."

"Work at a party? That's rhetorical of fun, don't you think?"

Dax presses the tip of his nose on my shoulder, his lips brushing a spot as he grabs my hips, fingers splaying flat on my thighs as he keeps our intimate parts pressed together. He is so hard and I bet the weapon he is carrying inside his pants is a lady killer. He takes my hand and slides it around his neck, making me arch my back as he slides a knee between my legs. His thigh presses against my sweet spot, hard enough to make me bite back a moan.

This man has been responsible for murders.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I would if you tell me."

We go silent for a while as the music lowers down to a stop. Dax flips me back, the dark look in his eyes making me swallow a gulp.

"You don't want to know the crowd I hang out with, Daria," he says as he hooks an arm around my waist and guides me to the bar counter.

We take seats opposite each other and he places an order for two cocktails. I cross my legs over one another and rest my cheek on my palm, resting an elbow on the counter, watching him with a new kind of interest.

"Maybe I shouldn't hang out with you too then."

He smirks at my comment. "We don't have to hang out. We can do other stuff..."

His gaze flickers to my chest before moving down my body. Tonight's one of the nights when I know I look sexy without trying. He scoots closer, placing a heavily ringed hand on my knee.

"Tell me, Daria..." he whispers with his lips close to mine, close enough that if I lean forward just a little, I can kiss him. "What do you wish for?"

His hot breath this close to me makes me feel bolder. I move forward, just a little until my butt is only half on the seat. He notices my position and circles a hand behind my back, supporting me.

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