Druig ran his thumb over the points of her brown nipples before he bent down and captured one in her mouth. She hummed deep in her throat as the pleasurable sensation struck a chord within her. Her hips returned to their grinding motion and she pushed his face closer to her chest. Druig pulled her closer to him by her hips. She slipped the covers off his lap and pushed them to the side and pulled her dress up higher around her waist so that her bare cunt was pressed against the rough fabric of his trousers.

His hands lowered and brushed her thick lips from the back. He smoothed one finger from her clit all the way down, noting the building wetness. "It seems you're more prepared than me." he whispered hotly in her ear as he sunk the single finger in, all the way down to his knuckle.

She sighed at the feeling of his calloused finger rubbing against her. He pressed in a second one and steadily rocked it. "Look at you." he breathed out and flicked out his tongue at her nipple before sucking it into his mouth. He slipped his finger out and offered it to the goddess. He watched riveted as her mouth wrapped around his digit. And her tongue slithered out and lathered his fingers in her spit. 

She pulled up the front of her torn dress higher. So that he could see just what she was doing. He watched with rapt attention as she lowered herself onto him, her body shuddering as she did so. He guided her hips onced he'd fully sheathed his cock into her wet quim. Oda rolled her hips, impatient with the way Druig was still. He smirked at her annoyance and began pressing small kisses against the column of her throat. "Patience Oda." he rocked his hips up to hers. "Patience." She mewled into his ear as his hands molded her buttocks. Controlling her movements. "We don't want them to know. Do we?"

Back to the present. The bed was empty when he woke up, and the bed was stripped bare. Leaving the mattress naked. Panic settled in as he was instantly on his feet, all sleep driven from his body. "I'm here." a soft voice said behind him. "I hope you don't mind, I took some of your clothes. Mine were all bloody..."

"No it's fine." he forced out as his eyes couldn't help but trail down the slightly baggy items of clothing she had on coupled with his navy blue robe. "You should be resting, after yesterday 'n all." he said awkwardly. He was still trying to get used to the fact that she was actually standing in front of him and not a figment of his imagination that he'd usually conjure up when the grips of loneliness and despair got too tight.

She sighed and looked down at the basket she had at her side, "I've had enough rest Druig. I'm bloody tired of resting." she turned away and walked down the hallway, he followed behind her. They both stepped out of his small abode, the settlers he'd been taking care of for generations were slowly rising and continuing to their assigned work. She walked down a makeshift path that led down to the river, one that a young woman had shown her earlier that day.

Oda could see the appeal in the place Druig has chosen for his new settlement. It was serene, picturesque and quiet, just like him. "You should eat, there's food in your kitchen."

"I'm not hungry."

She looked up at him from her position as she settled the basket by the rivers edge. "...If you say so." she stood up to her full length, and they both just stared at each other. None were able to settle the silence and joined them like an old friend. "Druig!" His name was called from a distance. "...you should go." she said.

The Eternal moved backwards slowly before fully turning and making his way to the person who had called his name. Oda watched him walk away until he was out of sight. She released the breath she didn't know she was holding and hunched over as she took in deep breaths and wiped her face.

She spent the next hour by the river, completing something she knew she could've been done and over within minutes. But she was avoiding him. And all the questions she knew he was bound to ask. The verbal warning of everyone started to ring in her head. Ajak, Kratos, Otrera. They'd all warned her that this day would soon approach. But she had failed to heed their warnings.

A hand tapped her shoulder. She turned around and was met with a girl that was no older than 15. "Druig wants to see you." the girl meekly said, unable to meet her eye. Oda weakly thanked the girl and allowed her to go on her way. Probably back to her parents. Oda packed the washed and rinsed out clothes into the basket and carried it in her arms as she made her way back.

Druig stood there waiting for her, with his arms clasped behind his back. She didn't know what the image struck apprehension in her but she gulped it down and gave him a nod. "You can drop the clothes here, someone will come pick it up." he ordered. And just as he said it an older woman who slightly resembled the girl who'd given her the message showed up.

She gave up the basket and wiped her hands on her pants. "We need to talk." she said. Druig said nothing but nodded in agreement. She followed him as she anxiously played with her fingers. "Yes we do."

The room felt ten times bigger than it actually was. "147 years. That I have spent looking for you Oda. And here you are. Why did I even bother?"

"Druig! I never meant to leave you that night I-I-."

"You what?! Never thought to leave me for two centuries not knowing if my own wife was dead or alive!" Druig threw his hands up in the air in frustration. "I spent decades looking for you."

"I know." She said solemnly. Druig scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. "Did my misery entertain you? Watching me scratch my skin off because my anxiety was killing me! Did I entertain you, when I cried by your empty bedside praying to whatever fucking god was listening, begging for your return. Tell me!"

Oda jumped back as he moved forwards. His eyes red and wide as he pointed a firm accusing finger at her. "I sacrificed myself to you. I tore down the walls I had built for a millenia to let you in. Whilst you stood in your glass fortress. I could see you, but I could never feel you. Every chance you got you distanced yourself from me..." He scoffed this time softer, and filled with unused emotion. "...I should have expected that one day you'd leave me behind."

The goddess stood rigid and stiff as she tried to hold her tears and words at bay. "So what is it. Your excuse."

"I have none."

"That's a surprise."

word count - 2,594
Saturday 20th November 2021


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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