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It was a very bright and sunny day at Lightrock Monetary, and the Trix are hating every bit of it. You see, after the battle of Alfea, the trio were cleansed of Bloom's dragon flame magic and sent to Lightrock in hopes of them getting reformed. Unfortunately, the councils hopes of the Trix becoming model citizens again were squashed.

While relaxing out in the fields, a storm was rolling in, but it wasn't just any normal storm....the clouds were a dark shade of red and lightning the color of salmon striking the nearby patches of grass.

"What's going on?" Darcy asked as she looked up at the sky.

"Finally, some decent weather," Stormy grinned.

"This looks really bad..." Darcy added on.

"Yes, isn't it great," Icy smiled sinisterly.

Suddenly a portal opened, a strange shadowy figure walking out of it and directly towards the Trix.

"Oh my," Icy grinned.

"It's get out of jail time, ladies," The figure said.

"I like him," Darcy looked at the figure, smiling at the thought of them getting out of this cursed prison.

"No questions, you are now serving the forces of evil," the figure said as he held out his arms.

"Am I ever pleased to hear that," Icy replied as she and the other Trix walked towards the figure.

The figure wrapped his arms around the trio and transported them outside the facility.

"I can't believe we are free," Stormy said as she stretched out her arms.

"That light was unbearable," Darcy added on.

"We were so close," Icy mumbled as she clenched her fists tightly. Soon they will break out of here and cause havoc on the magic universe, hopefully obtaining the power of the dragon flame along the way.

Suddenly the trio were engulfed by a ray of light, changing them back into their old clothes.

"That's the one, this way," a guard said as he pointed for the men to follow behind him.

"Oh no, the templers," Stormy said before becoming enraged, sending a ball of lightning towards their way.

The guards were unaffected by Stormys attack, so Icy sent a ball of ice flying at them.

"Curse you!"

The guards seemed to be frozen into a block of ice. Icy grinned as Stormy looked at them with an angry expression on her face. Suddenly the guards broke through the ice, running directly at them.

"They're immune to magic," Darcy said as she looked at the shadowy figure beside her.

"They're immune to your magic," the shadowy figure said before bursting out into a fit of laughter, raising his arm up in the air and summoning three balls of shadow magic, lending the Trix some of his power.

The shadowy figure bursted out into a fit of laughter again.

"I feel much stronger," Stormy said as she clenched her fist.

The guards charged directly at them with the intent to stop them.

"These are the Gloomix, they will multiply your power. Prove your worth to me," the figure said.

"Alright girls, let's get them!"

"Optical darkness."


Eventually the guards were defeated by the Trix after Stormy and Icy combined their spells.

"With these Gloomix it will be much easier to get the dragons flame," Icy said with confidence.

"Fools, there is much greater power than the dragon flame," the figure said as Darcy looked at him in shock.

"Greater than the dragon flame?"

"Yes, and it will be mine just as you three are mine."

Icy grinned.

"This place drives me mad, let's get out of here," the figure said as he blasted a hole through the wall, teleporting himself and the Trix away from the Monetary.

Word about the Trix breaking out of Lightrock spread like wildfire throughout the magical universe. Mirta and the others stared at the newspaper in shock.

"How in the hell did the Trix manage to break out of there?" Musa said as she looked at the others in confusion.

"I don't know, but I can assure you that they didn't do it alone," Tecna responded as she took a closer look at the newspaper, "Clearly something or someone helped them escape."

"Oh god, this is bad," Mirta mumbled as she nervously clenched her fists. Just when she finally thought it was over, life continues to prove her thoughts wrong. It isn't fair...then again life itself wasn't fair...she learnt that at a young age.

Flora looked at the others with concern written on her face, "I'm going to go take a walk in the woods."

Bloom nodded, "Just make sure to be back before class starts. I don't want you to get in trouble."

"Don't worry, I will," Flora said in a reassuring tone as she left the dorm room, leaving the other five behind.

"Now, asides from this whole 'Trix breaking out of prison' shit, Mirta it's your first day here at Alfea," Stella cheerfully said as Mirta gulped.

"Oh boy..."

"And we can't have you walking around like a depressed pumpkin. That was soooo last year, don't you think?" Stella asked her.

Mirta raised an eyebrow, "You want to give me a makeover?"

"If you don't mind?" Stella asked her.

Mirta shrugged, "Fine, do your worst."

"Don't worry, you're going to be a brand new person once I'm done with you. Ask Bloom, she'll back me up on that statement," Stella cheerfully said as Bloom nodded.

With a flick of Stella's finger, Mirta was suddenly engulfed into a ray of light. Suddenly she was wearing a black leather jacket with a pumpkin embroidered on her right sleeve, a white shirt, black jeans with holes ripped into them, and finally red sneakers. Her hair had some purple hi-lights in it now instead of that one streak with beads she used to have, which used to symbolize her and Lucy's friendship before it went down the drain.

"'s not 2000's enough, but it suits you," Stella complimented.

Mirta blushed a bit, "Thanks for the makeover."

"We're friends now, Mirta, it's the least I could do," Stella responded in a cheerful tone.

"Come on, guys, it's almost time for class," Tecna said as she checked her phone.

"Let's hurry up before we run late," Musa added on as the five rushed out the door, unbeknownst to them though their first day of the new school year is going to be cut short.

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