A fresh start

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Looking upwards, a scarlet-haired female  played with her short bob. She did know someone here, but it didn't make everything less nerve wracking.

She was mainly concerned about what her fellow fairies would think of her. She did use to go to Cloud Tower, a school for witches...

Well, at least she had Flora, the girl reflected. And her other friends too. They seemed like nice people at least.

She wasn't sure how she would handle it here, though. She didn't know anyone... And she barely knew her way around.

Okay, calm down, Mirta, the girl reminded herself. She couldn't lose her mind. After all...

"You can join our club then!"

She had a new group of friends here.

Mirta inhaled, and said to herself, "It's okay. I got this."

With that in mind, the red-haired girl took a step of faith into Alfea, a college for fairies from all over the universe.

Alfea is really beautiful, was her first impression of the school. Baby pink and slightly dark blue paint brightened up the buildings, allowing her to relax a bit more as she looked around.

"No wonder this is the top (and only) school for fairies in the universe," Mirta mumbled to herself. It all seemed so top-notch. She didn't doubt that it was bound to be a mix of traditional and modern cultures, but it still excited her to see how they would do it.

She didn't come from the best background, admittedly. Her dad had enrolled her in Cloud Tower despite knowing that her (dead) mom had been a fairy, claiming that she should have inherited his wizarding skills. After her mom's death, he had been nothing but abusive.

Thus, she had gone there hoping for the best.

And she had. Just not Lucy, because Flora and the others had told her many many times that it had been toxic, and she had realised it after she had been turned back into a human from a pumpkin. (THAT was an awkward experience that she never wanted to experience again, thank you very much.)

Headmistress Griffin had seen the errors in her ways, and she seemed to recognise fairy potential in her, which was how she ended up transferring here to Alfea. She would forever be grateful for the other for talking to her father and scorning him for his selfish decision. Because of her intervention, she could start her second year in Alfea.

Of course, the underlying fear of being behind haunted her. She wasn't used to studying magic the fairy way, so she was sure to fall behind.

Despite that, she was determined to make it. She wasn't going to fall behind for sure!

There was the Winx Club to help her, after all. She trusted them to get her through the year.

She soon arrived at the room that was designated for her. She knew that it was empty at the moment, and she was bound to feel a bit lonely, but hey, at least, the others were neighbours; their dorm was just in front of hers.

She took in a deep breath, and grabbed the handle as she turned the doorknob, opening the door to start her new school year as a fairy with a determination rivaled by the Winx Club themselves.
"Mirta!" Flora smiled as she hugged the newcomer.

Mirta gave a smile and hugged her back, "Flora!"

"I'm so glad you're in the room in front of ours," she said. "You can stay over sometime!"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea! We can have a sleepover!" Bloom stepped into the room, a grin on her face.

"That's not bad," Tecna offhandedly said, not looking up from her phone as she read something on it.

"As long as you wear something fashionable I'm okay," Stella yelled out from her room, making the others laugh at her words, Mirta included.

"That's Stella for you," Musa chuckled before she said, "Anyway, you ready for the new year?"

"I'm really nervous," Mirta confessed. "You know how it is..."

"You'll make it," Flora reassured her. "Don't think too hard."

"I hope so," the red-haired girl played with a  hair strand and said, "I've yet to get my Winx form, you know. What if I don't catch up?"

"Don't be like that. Even if you don't have a form, you still have powerful magic, you know," Flora said. "Winx or no Winx, you're still a part of our group."

She flushed hearing that from Flora, "T-Thanks!" Compliments were getting more common, but she was still adapting to them. It wasn't easy, sure, cause all her life she had been put down, insulted, belittled, but she was getting better and that was enough for her.

"Anyway, how should we celebrate defeating the Trix?" Musa asked again.

"Pizza!" Bloom didn't hesitate to volunteer.

"Of course you say pizza," Tecna rolled her eyes, though fondness was clear in her tone.

"You act as if it's a personal insult," Stella joked. "It's not that bad."

"It has a crazy amount of calories," she pointed out.

"So we should just walk it off afterwards! It'll save the environment too!" Flora chipped in.

"Sounds like a plan to me, alright," Bloom grinned.

"Let's go then!" Mirta smiled.

"Well then, to Magix we go guys!" Musa cheered.

"Yeah!" The others agreed, and Flora held her hand out to Mirta, smiling as she said, "Let's go Mirta."

"R-Right!" Mirta blushed, but took the other's hand and got up to follow the team. This school year was starting off great to Mirta, and she was excited to see just what the magical world had in store for her!

Little did she know that her past, along with some familiar and new faces, was about to prove her wrong, for in the shadows, a powerful villain watched, and waited for the right time to attack the newly formed Winx Club, with enough ruthlessness and insanity to give the headmasters a run of their money...

Would the Winx be able to fight off this new threat? And what did this new villain want with Bloom?

The plot begins as the six teenagers begin their second year at Alfea College for Fairies....
Chapter written by MysticalStoryWeaver

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