No.10 | Back in my arms

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Chip was silent, staring at what he saw. On the other side of this cell, stood a blue figure, hair faded into a dark seaweed color. Gillions vibrant eyes stared back into Chips after turning around by the alarming movement of his cell door. The triton was wearing his usual attire that was worn under his armor. Gillion knew it was Chip right away, especially since the earring used to unlock the door was back to dangling on his ear. Chips arms dropped to his sides, watching a smile warm-up on Gillion's face.

Immediately, Chip sprung up and ran to Gillion, throwing his arms around the triton as Gillion did the same, practically catching Chip as he ran into the hug. Holding the triton close, his arms wrapped around his upper body under his blue-skinned arms, as Gillion's arms tangled up around the captain. Jay stood at the doorway, crossed arms and leaning her shoulder against the door frame with a happy smile curling on her face. She knew Chip would react like this, the bond the two shared was inseparable, Jay knew that about Chip and Gillion.

"I missed you so much, Gillion. I'm so sorry we didn't get here sooner" Chip whispered to Gillion, "Cheebo, knowing you, I know you did your best. Because-" "It was my destiny" Chip said, his warming tone still a whisper. "Yes, it was your destiny.." Gillion's smile grew with his joy. Jay was unable to hear what the two were whispering about, but she knew it most likely wasn't important, or at least not important enough for her to need to overhear. "How cute" Jay playfully said, as she went over to join the hug, feeling Gillion's arms wrap around her and Chip now.

 The moment between the crew members was joyful, finally back together. Though the moment soon reached its end as they heard muffled voices, then the opening of those large heavy steel doors. 

  "We gotta get out of here now, and quick," Jay stated, The hug taking its end and the three now looking at one another. "What's the plan, Jay?" Gillion asked, looking at Chip and Jay. "good question..." Jay answered, clearly not an answer Gillion was hoping for. "How about I distract the guards, start up some conversation, and you two make your way out of the prison," Jay explained, having a few ideas in mind to stall the guards, inspired the conversations and things Chip lied about earlier to the guards.

"Are you sure Jay?" Chip asked, making sure Jay was up to execute this plan of hers. "I'm positive. We need to get Gillion back to the ship, thats the main goal of this all. So make sure to escort him safely." Jay whispered, peeking from the doorway to see two guards standing at the doorway, facing one another as they engaged in a conversation.

 Gillion then looked at Chip with confidence in this plan Gillion was now taking part in. Watching the captain give him an approving nod, the two sneakily and swiftly sped out of the cell they were in, being light on their feet to shuffle to the wall that took a sharp turn to the left to continue the hallways path, standing still there until they knew Jay was starting her part of this plan.

Jay wasn't going to enjoy this next part, but she knew it was bound to work.

She walked out of the empty cell and quietly close the steel door behind her, making sure it wouldn't alert the guards. She took a deep breath and began strutting down the hall and over to the guards, watching as a tall brunette guard slightly turned his head to see Jay coming over to him and the man he was in a conversation with. Both guards now catching on and clearly noticing her presence, watching as she now stood near them, placing one hand on her hip. The other guard, slightly smaller than the other was starting a sentence before he was interrupted by "I'm single." jay said immediately, awkwardly shifting her weight to the other leg, trying to play it cool. She was not at all good at this... but she knew it would stall the guards.

  "Why is Jay bringing up her sad love life to the guards?" Gillion asked. Chip and Gillion both peeking from behind the wall as they watched Jay attempt to flirt. "Good question. It seems to work though, so let's go, before more guards show up." Chip suggested, taking Gillion's hand and resuming the travel down the long hall. This hall was much brighter, windows aligned the walls, each window open and exposed, giving a gorgeous view of the ocean outside. It seemed the prison was placed on the edge of this island, close enough to where jumping out of the window would send right into the ocean below.

 Chip had a good grasp on gillions hand, he wasn't holding it like a casual handhold with the fingers intertwined, he was literally holding his hand, steering Gillion down the hall so he wouldn't lose him. A few doors were embedded in the wall opposite of the windows on the left, that most likely were to lead to storage rooms and closets of such sorts. They were plain wooden doors with darker wood frames, they looked clean and in great condition, unlike what Jay and Chip have been seeing throughout the journey earlier.

Speed walking down the hall, they suddenly heard another pair of footsteps down the hall in front of them, a guard coming from behind the wall where the hallway took yet another left turn.   

"Shit-" Chip cursed under his breath, having no other choice than to swing open the door near them and shove Gillion in it before shoving himself in it. 

The room they were in was a dimly lit closet with built-in shelves in which held tools like hammers and nails, along with other items. "Wha-?" suddenly cut off by Chip's hand covering his mouth. Gillion found himself with his back against the wall, as chip held him against it with his hand covering his mouth. Chip put his index finger to his own mouth, signaling Gillion to be silent. Gillion and Chips eyes locked in eye contact, Chip took his index finger away from his lips and stiffly pointed to the door with his thumb, as two guards were walking down the hall.

The voices sounded familiar... Chip understood the two guards' voices to be the exact same as the ones guarding the entrance earlier. "That Winston guy, you really think he did that? Thats like, hardcore man." one guard said, "yea, his wife is lucky, I suppose" The voice of the opposite guard commented. A groan oozed from Chip's lips as he heard the guards walk beyond, they were most likely going to the cells, where Jay was... He knew Jay could handle them.. right?

"That was close, now cmon, we need to get out quick." Chip said, slowly cracking the door and checking if the coast was clear. He let Gillion step out first, then Chip proceed to leave the closet after Gillion, closing the door behind him. "Is that what we call becoming a homosexual?" Gillion asked, tipping his head to the side. "What?" Chip asked, peering at him with confusion. Then he understood what he meant, "Oh! Uh, yeah sure" Chip instantly answered, beginning to resume progressing down the hall. "Good for you Chip! I'm proud of you for coming out! You're valid!" Gillion applauded happily, Chip groaning as he took a turn down the hall to see another hall that looked the exact same.

His eyes caught something standing in the hallway, causing Chip to stop in his tracks. Gillion, who wasn't paying attention, bumped into Chip, looking at him then looking up to also see what Chip was gawking at. "Now where do you think you're going."

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