No.7 | Tokyo Drifting

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[ i was listening to Tokyo Drifting by glass animals while writing this part ... as you can tell ]

 The two pirates ran as fast as they could through the main street of this town. Dodging people who screamed and yelled at the sudden jumpscare of almost being crashed into by these pirates. Civilians watched as they ran by, then seconds later watch a Navy guard running after them. "We have to run towards the prison! We still have a mission to do!" Jay shouted to him, taking heavy breaths mid-sentence. Chip knew that running on the main street of the town would make this difficult, they need to run without a crowd slowing them down.

  It was hard to think when you were paying attention infront of you to make sure you didnt crash into anyone who failed to step out of the way fast enough. His eyes caught a market stall, a man shouting the products he was offering and waving his hands around to get people's attention and acknowledge his stand. 

 "I've got an idea, Jay, just follow my lead, alright?" Chip said to her, catching her attention as well as her curiosity. Knowing that this thing Chip had in mind would most likely be a horrible and crazy idea, she knew that it was the only idea on the table, what other choice did she have?

  Giving him a quick nod, Chip suddenly took a sharp turn, picking up the speed as he sprinted towards the market stall, which was placed right in front of a small building. Jay followed his lead, knowing exactly what his idea was now. Looking at him while running a bit behind him with a is this man insane look. She watched him leap up and climb the stall swiftly and jump onto the slanted roof of the short building behind it. CHip snapped his head to look at Jay as she attempted to perform the same acrobat. At some point in the process, Jay made a wrong step with her foot, nearly slipping over before she felt Chip's hand grasp onto her wrist and yank her up to the roof moments before she fell.

 Landing onto the black brick roof on her stomach, she stumbled to her feet as they both looked over at the guard, who was now joined with three other guards. "Get them!" The guard commanded as each individual guard scattered, running in different directions. 

 Chip now took the lead, at this point Jay trusted his every move now, after thinking up that previous insane yet manageable next move. Now using the rooftops of these houses and buildings that all seemed to be nearly touching one another, being separated by small thin alleyways. Luckily, the buildings were near the same height, a cooperative height to help Jay and Chip use these rooftops as their new choice of traveling.

Leaping from rooftop to rooftop, the prison's large establishment came into view, which made traveling on rooftops an even better choice, since now they had a clear view of the land. "There it is! Up ahead!" Chip shouted out to her informingly. 

 Another pair of footsteps on the hard brick root started up far behind Jay, turning her head to see a guard chasing after them on the roof now. "Uhh, Chip! We got one on our tail!" Jay shouted out to him, making Chip curse under his breath. 

 "Shit, just keep up the pace! We're almost there!" Chip yelled back.

 Jay sped up her pace, feeling the man grow closer and closer. "I've got you now!" The guard yelled at her with boastful laughter, when suddenly the sound of a pan hitting against something erupted. To Jay's curiosity, she turned her head around to see the man get hit right in the head by what seemed to be a frying pan, thrown right at him. She looked down at the street below to see old man earl, jumping up and down.

  "Take that you fucking bitch!" He shouted at the man taken out by the pan. Jay smiled down at the old man who was now coughing hysterically after shouting. 

 "Did- did I just hear old man Earl's voice?" Chip stuttered the question out to Jay, clueless about what just went down behind his back. "You're just hearing things you bastard" Jay lied, not angry about the fact Earl left the ship, that wasn't her biggest concern anyways.

Traveling from roof to roof, they watched the prison grow larger as they grew closer to it. "What now? The row of buildings is coming to an end!" Jay asked, keeping up the pace, regardless of how painful it felt to continue running at such a swift speed. 

 "We jump!" Chip shouted back with excitement, adrenaline flowing through his veins. Now that was far too crazy to attempt. "Jump!? I'm not Jump!" Jay yelled at him. They were coming to the ledge of the last building, as Chip grabbed her hand and looked at her, holding her hand as she ran slightly behind him. "Oh yes, we are!" He said as he leaped off the edge, leaping off with a bright smile on his face.

Jay screamed out when suddenly she felt him let go of her hand, looking down below to see the water they were jumping into. With a large loud splash, the two fell into the water, both canon-balling, unaware of how deep or shallow the water was. 

  Surprisingly, it was rather deep, considering what they jumped into appeared to be a lake that winded through the town and circled it like a void. Swimming up to the surface, which wasn't too far to swim to at all, Chip took a gasp of air, smiling with pure joy. "Hell yea! Wooo!" he cheered out, not seeing Jay swim up. "Jay..?" He asked, the question fading into silence as suddenly Jay shouted at him from behind. 

 "What the hell man!" Chip screeched at the jumpscare behind him as jay looked a bit angry, "What! We're safe!" Chip insisted, speaking in a high pitch tone. "That was too crazy! We're lucky this lake is a bit deep!" Jay flicked his forehead as her hair soaked and laid flat. "As I said- ow!" He winced at the pain, huffing. "We need to hurry up and get to the prison before the guards hear us!" Jay suggested. Chip smirked at her suddenly, with slight confidence. "We're already here." Chip said, making Jay slowly turn around, paddling of course to float. As she turned around slowly, she saw the prison before their eyes, the large prison standing on the other side of this thin lake.

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