No.9 | Cell doors

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  The narrow, dull thin hallway stretched far out, it was almost irritating how dull and plain it was. "Are you sure this is the right way? Or even the navy prison? It's so-" "Dull? Yea, I know." Jay finished Chip's sentence, huffing with annoyance. "Reckon maybe they lied to us?" Chip said, "It's possible, if thats the case, we'll just try another route if this leads to nothing." Jay explained.

Minutes of silence felt louder than it should have. Eventually, they began reaching some turns in the hallway, following one specific route. "So, Chip." Chip turned his head to adjust his attention to the ferin. "What're you gonna do once you get to Gillion?" Jay asked him, clasping her hands behind her back. The only other sounds besides their footsteps were the contained burning flares on torches mounted on the walls securely. His hazel eyes glistened as he stared at Jay, having an innocent spirit bound in his eyes.

"I'm not quite sure- why do you ask?" Chip asked, his hands stuffed in the front pockets of the navy uniform pants. "Oh, no reason" Jay concluded, shrugging. Chip blinked at her seconds before gradually turning his head to look straight ahead once more.

The question definitely clung to Chip throughout their journey through the hallway, starting to see more doors and exposed rooms in which held barrels and supplies of such sorts. They saw a few other navy guards every now and then, paying no mind them, while the guards did the same for the undercover pirates. The hallways stretched out more, not being so thin as before. It was questionable why the halls were so long, having no reason to be so long and irritatingly thin.

Finally, the two crew members reached a pair of double doors, steel doors to be more precise. The double doors were significantly larger than the doors they've been passing by, clearly being important for being at such a bold size for doors. 

Chip looked back at Jay in synch, as Jay advanced forward and slowly pushed open the heavy, thick doors, grunting as she had to put a good amount of arm strength into the push. Behind the doors was another hallway, wider, much wider. Iron doors aligned the walls on each side, it was more lit up compared to the sluggishly lit hallways they've been progressing down.

"Are these-" "These are the cells. Each prisoner is in an individual one, as to be expected." Jay continued his sentence off. It was unlike any other prison, the walls were solid, not providing prisoners with iron bars as a view of the hallway. The doors, also solid steel. Each door having a darker shaded steel plate sign installed on it that listed the cell number.

"How do we know which one is Gillion's cell- theirs so many!" Chip whispered franticly to Jay, seeing her shrug in acknowledgment. The two then commenced cautiously escorting down the wide hallway, above them, on the ceiling was an iron chandelier that carried illuminated torches. 

 The ceiling being higher than the ones they've been observing during their travels to this address. "We also don't have a way to open any cell doors, it's certain that they're locked," Jay realized, "We can pick the lock I'm sure, right?" Chip suggested confidently, trying to find the positive in this bleak, troubling situation. "That is true, but have you ever picked a lock?" Jay asked, studying each cell door they crossed, 34, 35, 36, Jay whispered the numbered door plates as she passed them.

 "No, no I haven't, but that doesn't mean I cant attempt to!" Chip replied, suddenly pausing in his tracks as he fell dead silent. Jay continued walking, assuming Chip was still adjacent to her, "Chip, did Gillion have like a distinguished smell-" Jay asked, glancing to her side and noticing Chip's absence, making her spin around to see Chip standing in place, gawking at the door labeled "58".

Jay looked at the door, then at Chip, then back at the door, walking over to Chip while giving glances to the door and captain. "What's up?" Jay asked, her voice lingering off as she also came to notice it too. Right on the door handle was Apple, the bird casually standing on the large door handle. "How did Apple even get in here- theirs no windows-" Chip felt Jay grasp his chin and gently force his head to shift to his left, in which was the continued hallway and the sharp turn it took, and on the wall was an opened, massive window the gave a view of the outside, which gave a perfect view of the ocean out ahead.

"Thats how," Jay whispered to him, as she let go of his chin and looked at Apple, who then fluttered her wings and let out a happy chirp as Chip reached his hand for the door handle, tracing his thumb against the lock on the handle, feeling the rough, harsh steel against his skin. 

 The weight of the earring that dangled from his ear suddenly was removed, as he felt Jay's cold fingers rub against his earlobe and remove his earring. "Maybe try using this?" Jay suggested, dropping it into Chip's hand that held out to her. Grasping the earring, he turned it to have the sharp long extension that was supposedly the handle of the small ax, and slid it into the lock, hunching down to carefully attempt to pick the lock without snapping the earring.

After a solid two minutes passed by, Jay anxiously nibbled the inside of her cheek. A sudden snap, like a hinge being released, pierced the silence in an instant. Chip slowly withdrew the earring from the lock, seeming to still be in perfect shape, with just little scrapes and rust on the side of the earring that was used to untangle this lock. 

  The pirates were both silent as Chip observed at the door handle, slowly approaching his hand to it, gradually shifting the handle to find it successfully unlock. The satisfaction he felt as the door handle turned fully. Chip slowly pushed the door open until it was pushed open as far as it could. Eyes shimmering as they widened at the display before his eyes. Jay standing behind Chip with almost the same reaction.

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