Chapter 15: Missing

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The next day, everyone was chattering at the table when the phone rang. Daisy got up to answer it.

"Fire Department Station 51. How can I help you?"

"Daisy?" Dixie asked, " It's Dixie. Do you remember the little girl you brought a couple months ago? Her name was Lily. She was in a structure fire." Daisy thought back to that day.

"Yeah. I remember. Her mother was already in because of an automobile accident. Why?"

"We were notified that she has gone missing. The Police Department wanted us to know just in case she came by here since she stayed here for awhile. I wanted to let you all know in case you see her," she said in a worried tone.

"Okay. Thanks for letting us know. We'll keep an eye out for her. Bye."

"Alright. Bye." Daisy hung the phone back up and turned around to the others.

"Johnny, do you remember Lily?"

"Not entirely. We've met a few Lilys within the past few months," Johnny said trying to think of the same Lily Daisy was. Then it dawned on him. "I remember. The girl we saved your first day, and a piece of rubble fell on your shoulder. Why?"

"That was Dixie on the phone. She said that Lily is missing and wants us to keep an eye out for her. The Police Department thinks she'll go somewhere that she is familiar with."

"Missing? That young of a kid? I don't think a five year old would just walk off especially if she is a mommy's girl."

"That's what scares me. Jennifer said she has ran into many cases of child abduction, and the results aren't so great," Daisy said with a lot of worry in her voice. She was scared to death for that little girl. 'Who would be that sick of a person though? I guess this city is full of them,' Daisy thought as she sat back down at the table. As soon as she sat down, the tones went off for the engine company. Daisy messed with her ring, twirling it around and around. She knew she's not supposed to get involved, but how couldn't you when it was a child that you saved once before. Deep in her thoughts, a noise out in the bay startled Daisy. She got up from the table and walked out to see what the noise was. Two little boys were outside waiting. "May I help you two?"

"Yeah. We have some information on Lily. She's our friend. We were gonna go to the police, but this was closer," one of the little boys said.

"Hang on just a second. I'm going to get my partners out here to listen too. Okay?"

"No. We don't want everyone to know. It's more of a secret."

"Okay. What do you know?"

"Yesterday, we were playing in my yard. I went in the house to get a glass of water. Tommy was outside and saw a van roll up the driveway. I'll let him tell you what he saw."

"A tall man got out and pushed me down. He grabbed Lily and put her in the car. Toby and I tried to run after him, but we weren't fast enough. He got away. Do you think you can get Lily back?"

"I'll try my best to. Can you remember what the letters and numbers were on the back of the van?"

"547 WDF. I think that's what it was. I'm pretty sure that was it. Please get Lily back," Tommy said.

"I'm going to try. Are you sure you want me to keep it a secret? There's not much I can do without telling anyone," Daisy said trying to persuade the two little boys to let her get Johnny and Roy. The boys looked at each other.

"I guess if you have to. I mean, we are trying to get her back anyways," Toby said. Daisy smiled.

"Johnny! Roy! I think we have some information on Lily!" Daisy yelled. The two paramedics ran out of the kitchen as fast as they could. Daisy told them what Toby and Tommy told her.

"When the man pushed you down, did he hurt you?" Roy asked to make sure Tommy was okay.

"Yeah. I have a cut on my arm from where he pushed me. I fell on a blade and didn't want to tell my mom. She would freak out. Can you fix it?" he asked pulling his sleeve up. There was a deep cut from his elbow to his wrist. Roy looked at it.

"I think we can fix that. Let me go get what I need. Okay?"

"Okay." Roy went to the squad and got out an elastic bandage and alcohol. He poured the alcohol on the cut then wrapped the bandage around Tommy's small arm.

"Thanks, mister. My arm feels much better. We better go home. Our mom is going to start worrying if we don't go home soon."

"Well, do you live near by?" Daisy asked out of curiosity. She didn't want them to walk by themselves if they lived pretty far away.

"Just a couple of blocks away."

"Do you want me to call your mother to come pick you two up. I don't want you to walk home alone. It can be dangerous." The two looked at each other and decided to let Daisy call their mom. When she arrived, she was not happy.

"I thought I told you two to never walk by yourself or talk to strangers. I'm very disappointed in you two. I want you to go wait for me in the car this instant!" the woman yelled at Tommy and Toby.

"Ma'am, we weren't trying to get your sons in trouble. We just didn't want them hurt. Besides, it's safe to talk to firemen and policemen. They were giving us information on an important topic," Daisy piped in to try to save the little boys from getting a whipping. The woman turned to Daisy and started chewing her out.


"Well, go ahead. The police is standing behind you," Jennifer said from behind the woman. She was coming to check on Daisy when she heard the woman screaming, "She is right. Firemen and police officers are not strangers to children," Jennifer said sternly,"Ma'am, I think it's best if you go on home. Otherwise, I will report you."

"Report me for what, Pig? I was only concerned for my children," the woman said in a very smart tone.

"I'll report you for disturbing the peace. You had no right to yell at her." The woman got mad and stormed off. She drove off with Tommy and Toby crying. "Do you have to deal with people like her all the time? I know the people I deal with can be bad, but dang. She was hateful."

"We deal with them on the occasion."

"Anyways, what was the information they were giving you about?" Jennifer asked out of curiosity. Daisy told her about Lily. "That gives us a little lead. We can find out who the car belongs to. I'll let Reed and Malloy know about this. Thank you so much."

"Just do me a favor and get her back safely. This has got me torn to pieces," Daisy said as the engine rolled back in.

"What's going on? Did I miss another proposal?" Marco joked.

"We had guests while you were gone. Johnny, why don't you tell them while I go start lunch," Daisy said heading towards the kitchen. Johnny told them about Tommy, Toby, and their wonderful mother. When he was finished, Daisy called for them for lunch. The station, including Jennifer, went into the kitchen. Daisy sat down to eat but got back up when the tones went off.

"Squad 51. Beaten child. Ellwood Park. Cross street Holly. Timeout 12:05."

"Squad 51. 10-4. KMG 365."

"I better go with you all on this one," Jennifer said heading towards her car, "Go on. I'll catch up to you in a minute."

'Beaten child. Could that be Lily?' Daisy thought as the squad's sirens whined.

Emergency! The Rescues Continue Book 1Where stories live. Discover now