Chapter 13: A Dark Night

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When they arrived at the scene, Johnny and Roy grabbed a hose and went to work. Daisy stood by Captain Stanley to wait for her orders. Another engine arrived. This was one dark night as the fire burned brightly. A man ran out of the building and fell in front of Daisy. "Roy! Johnny! We have a victim!" Daisy yelled as she tried to pull the man away from the building. Johnny and Roy ran to help her and pulled him away.

"Get the drug box and the bio-phone. It looks like heat exhaustion, but I want to be sure on that." Daisy ran to the squad. She walked behind it to get to the other side. Before she knew it, she was yanked into the dark and was held by someone that covered her mouth. When she didn't come back as quickly as she usually did, Roy started to get concerned. "Daisy, are you okay?"

"Now, you're going to answer back that you are perfectly fine. Got it?" the figure whispered into her ear. Daisy nodded. Her mouth was uncovered. She turned and saw that the figure was Jason and he had a knife. Daisy panicked and screamed.

"Johnny!" Jason grabbed her and started to knee her in the stomach. Johnny and some of the other guys came running to where Daisy was. Johnny saw Jason and tackled him knocking him to the ground. The two of them wrestled for a few minutes until the Police Department showed up and took him away. Johnny helped Daisy get up off the ground and walked her over to where the other victim was. He sat her down on the ground and told her to rest. Captain Stanley walked over to her.

"You need to get in that ambulance when they go. You look like you've been hit by a truck,"he said with concern. Daisy nodded. Her stomach hurt her really bad. She thought it was from where he kneed her so hard. When the ambulance arrived to the scene, Roy helped get the man in. Johnny helped Daisy to get in. She had even more pain coming from her stomach.

'First, I get debris to fall on my shoulder on my first day. Then, I get bad PTSD attacks. Then, I get shot. Now, I have been kneed really hard in the stomach. What next?' Daisy thought to herself as she felt like such a fool. She laid her head back against the ambulance as its sirens wailed.


At the hospital, Daisy laid on the treatment table. Dr.Brackett came in and checked her stomach. She had a giant bruise on her rib cage. When he barely touched it, Daisy moaned painfully. She took deep breaths of air. "We'll keep her overnight. Right now, it looks like she has a couple of broken ribs. What did you say he did again?"

"He kept kneeing me really hard in my stomach. I noticed he had a knife with him. I don't know what he did with it," Daisy said raising up to look at him. Johnny cleared his throat from across the room.

"He kind of used my shirt for practice," he said showing the long tear on the front.

"Well, we better get you to a room. Dixie, what room can we take her to?"

"I think 208 is open. I'll get an orderly in here as soon as possible," Dixie said as she walked out the door. Daisy laid back down rubbing her side.

'Great! Now, I have to miss work again all because of something stupid. I've always hated drama and that is what I'm stuck in right now. Yay...' Daisy thought as Johnny Roy stepped out of the room to talk to a police officer. A short time later, Daisy could hear Dixie talking in the hall.

"If you want to talk to her, you'll have to wait until we move her. She is in a great deal of pain. She'll be in room 208. Thank you." Dixie walked in with the orderly that she had promised. She got up and got on the gurney. Being wheeled to the elevator, Daisy could hear her crew mates in the waiting room chattering.

"Man, she does look like she has been hit by a bus," Chet said pointing towards her. Dixie walked over to talk to them.

"She's being sent up to room 208 if you want to visit with her. She has a couple of cracked ribs. Other than that, she's okay. Is he in custody?"

"Yeah. They just booked him in. How long will she have to stay here?" Captain Stanley asked.

"Probably a few days. Her ribs are cracked, you know?" The elevator beeped and the orderly pushed Daisy in. About 20 minutes later, Daisy was snug in her bed when all of her crew mates came in to check on her. They all shared stories about Johnny trying to make her laugh and get things off of her mind.

"There was the time that the Phantom Bomber kept getting him wet," Chet said after everyone was done laughing from their previous story.

"Oh Chet. Here is where you forgot. I got the Phantom Bomber back with his own trap. I thought you would have remembered that," Johnny pointed out.

"I know I barely remember that, but remember that one rescue we went on where you had to finish the victim's poker game," Roy said.

"I remember that. Remember that time with the woman and her dog?" Johnny asked with a grin.

"Don't remind me. I had squeaky shoes the rest of the day," Roy said as Johnny laughed.

"Well, we all better head back to the station. We'll see you later, Daisy," Captain Stanley said as her opened the door to leave. After her company left, Daisy laid back and closed her eyes. This was the first decent sleep she had in days.

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