Chapter 3: Friendships and Relationships

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Outside, Roy and Johnny went to work on Jason. Daisy looked around once more at the crowd before she chipped in and helped too. Jason had a bad burn on his arm, but other than that, he was ok. Roy wrapped his arm with bandage. He regained consciousness and saw Daisy. "Ugh. What are you doing here? What are you creeps doing to my arm?" he yelled as Daisy got up defensively and stood in front of him.

"Lower your voice. The house caught on fire, and we dragged you out before you could get hurt. You have a bad burn on your arm. Now, let my partner wrap the rest of your arm so you don't get infected," Daisy said as he got up to start to fight back. He grabbed her arm as soon as a car showed up. He pushed Daisy back knocking her down to the ground. She landed on her sore shoulder. Someone came running yelling.

"What are you doing?" the woman asked in a loud tone towards Jason. Daisy looked up and saw that it was Jennifer. Another man was standing beside her. Johnny walked over and helped Daisy up. She had a lot of pain rushing through her arm. "I thought you were picking me up at work. I had to have Malloy drive me home," Jennifer said in a mad tone. She looked up and saw her house. "What did you do?"

"It wasn't me! Daisy did it! She is ruining our relationship!" Jason said as he looked at Daisy who at this point was standing up with Johnny's help. Jennifer looked at Daisy and saw that she was in uniform. She thought Daisy didn't go in until tomorrow.

"Why would she be in uniform and helping if she set my house on fire? You know something? We're through!" Jennifer yelled at him. Daisy sighed a breath of relief while Roy and Johnny exchanged looks. The ambulance arrived, and Jason was put in and sent off. Daisy rode with Johnny in the squad with Jennifer and Malloy following behind to file a report. Dixie told the ambulance attendees to take him to treatment room 3 and Daisy to 1.

Dasiy waited a few minutes before the doctor came in. It was Dr. Brackett this time. He looked at her shoulder. He said that her shoulder only had a pulled muscle still which was relief to Daisy's ears. She didn't want to miss her first few days on the job. Besides, she only worked half shift due to her being a female. Shortly after Dr.Brackett diagnosed her problem, Dixie came in to check up on Daisy. Daisy got up and walked out to the nurse's desk where Roy and Johnny were waiting. She noticed Jennifer and Pete were standing there too. Jennifer ran up to Daisy with tears and hugged her. "I'm sorry Daisy."

"It's ok. It's just a pulled muscle. I'll be fine and dandy tomorrow," Daisy said with a smile spreading across her face.

"What happened that made Jason do that to you?'' Daisy explained that he saw Daisy and started criticizing them, then everything just got dirty from there. Daisy walked over to her partners to show them she was fine. She walked up to Johnny.

"Thank you for helping me up back there," she said as she smiled and gave a peck on his cheek. He blushed. Daisy looked around at everyone. They all had a grin on their face the size of Texas. She waved bye to Jennifer and told her that she'll be by later as she walked toward the door.


"Roy, I don't know. Do you think she would be the one?" Johnny asked as he leaned against the squad. Daisy went home, so she couldn't hear them talking.

"Well, your other girlfriends were all about themselves and didn't care about the relationship. From what I have learned today, Daisy isn't like that. It looks like she just wants to be like one of the guys. Now, I'm speaking from my opinion, but I think you need to get to know her a little more."

"I guess your right," Johnny said as he looked down. Just then, the tones went off and they were off on another adventure.

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