Chapter 7: A Visitor

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The squad arrived back to the station from the call. It was a prank call made by some kids. Daisy sat down on the couch when she heard someone in the bay. She got up to see who it was and found it to be Jennifer. She came by to check on Daisy. "How are you? What did you hurt? Do you need anything?" she asked before Daisy could say anything. She usually did that when she was worried. Although she was much older than Daisy, she treated her like she was a sister. Daisy smiled at her friend's concern.

"I'm fine. I just sprained an ankle and had dehydration. I stayed at the hospital just in case something happened,"she said as Jennifer let out a long sigh of relief. "Would you like to come and sit down?" Daisy asked pointing in the direction of the kitchen.

"Sure." The two of them walked to the kitchen where they were met with a bunch of hellos and smiles. Chet had the biggest. He figured if he couldn't get Daisy, maybe he could get Jennifer. Captain Stanley rolled his eyes.

"Kelly, we already have two love birds here," he said pointing at Daisy and Johnny. Jennifer smiled then realized what he had said.

"Wait. Love birds? Am I going to have to hurt someone, Daisy?" she asked in a joking voice. Daisy blushed while Johnny turned 50 shades of red. "I'm only kidding. I'm not that cruel, but if you hurt her in anyway, you're going to have to play the real cops and robbers because I will be coming after you." Everyone in the room laughed really hard. Daisy loved hearing everyone laugh. She hadn't heard her own in a long time. It was nice to hear it again. Jennifer shared stories about Daisy and herself from when they were younger. There was the story about how Jennifer handcuffed Daisy to a tree and lost the key, how Daisy rappelled of the roof of their tree house, and the time Daisy played firefighter and about caught her house on fire playing with matches. All the stories she told were meant to embarrass her. Then came the story that led to how her father called her "Firefly". Daisy started having flashbacks. Afraid of this, Johnny stood next to her in case he needed to calm her down.

'I can do this. I can get over this on my own. I can be the overcomer I'm wanting to be.' Taking a deep breath, Daisy calmed herself down. She was proud of herself. Her fears didn't control her anymore. Jennifer looked at Daisy realizing what she said might have caused a flashback. She was relieved to see her okay. Jennifer had known Daisy long enough to know if she was having a flashback or not. After the most embarrassing story ever told about Daisy was told, Daisy was completely humiliated. The story was about when Daisy's father took her to work one day, and the station was toned out. Daisy went with them. She found a hose and tried to help but only made matters worse. She lost control of the hose and went flying through the air with it. Everyone laughed at her and made her ashamed of herself. Her father picked her up and gave her a medal when they got back to the station for being a hero. He had just become Captain at the time. "Okay. It's my turn with the stories," Daisy said smiling. Jennifer had way more humiliating stories than Daisy did. Now, Jennifer was the embarrassed one. After Daisy finished all of the stories she knew, everyone couldn't breathe they were laughing so hard. Breaking the fun and laughter, the tones went off. Another rescue awaited them.

"Station 51, unknown type rescue at Rampart Emergency. Time out: 11:15"

"Station 51, 10-4. KMG 365," Captain Stanley said as the squad rushed off with the engine following shortly after. All three of them were worried. What could have happened for them to be needed at Rampart? When they showed up at the entrance, they saw two people on a ledge several stories above them. When they realized one of the people up there was Dixie, the paramedics acted quickly to get up there.


"Make a move and I kill you," the man whispered into her ear. All she did was tell him he needed to stop yelling and lower his voice. Now, she was being held hostage and thrown out a window. Dr.Brackett tried to stop the man only to get knocked out himself. Once they got to the window to where they could see them, the man started freaking out. Johnny went to check on Brackett while Daisy and Roy tried to figure out a plan. "If any of you decide to be brave and try to take me down, you'll be thrown off of the ledge." Daisy came up with a plan that would get Dixie to safety. She told Roy who agreed. Daisy walked out onto the ledge. "Who are you?" the man asked hatefully. Daisy held her hands up to show she didn't have anything in her hands.

"I came out here to make a trade." Daisy walked closer. The man started to get jumpy.

"What's the trade?"

"Me instead of her. Think about it. I'm a paramedic. The Fire Department is going to try to do anything they can to get me." The man thought about it for a second. Then, he threw Dixie down and grabbed Daisy. He yanked the arm that she injured a couple days ago. The man started yelling at the police officers that were down there.

"Hey you cops! I've got a firefighter held hostage now. The price has gone up. If it's not paid in 2 hours, all you'll ever see of her again is her remains," the man yelled as he held Daisy over the side to show who it was. Johnny finished up with Brackett and came over to see what he could do to help get Dixie free. When he saw that the man was holding Daisy, Roy had to hold him back from going out there. Daisy saw Roy struggling to hold Johnny back. The man saw what she was looking at and smiled. "Is that your Prince Charming coming to the rescue?" He laughed at himself. Then, he aimed the pistol he was holding over to where Johnny was. Daisy grabbed his arm and slung him over her arm. He hit the pavement of the ledge hard knocking him out for a minute. Daisy ran over to Dixie to help her up and to safety. Out of nowhere, a bang went off and Daisy felt pain in her side. She had been shot. She grabbed her side and fell down. Pain rushed throughout her body. Johnny and Roy came to check on her and to fix her up. She laid on her back blinking away the dark. She knew she was probably going to go into in shock. Pretty soon, darkness took over her and she was out. Johnny and Roy got her patched up and into a treatment room with Dixie in another. Dr.Brackett was awake now. He checked on Dixie while Dr.Early checked on Daisy. Dr.Early came out of Daisy's treatment room with a smile.

"Well, is she okay?" Johnny asked as soon as he saw him.

"She'll be fine. We'll keep her here for a few days until she is fully recovered. Has the man been taken care of?"

"Yeah. They took him into custody a few minutes ago," Roy said.


Daisy opened her eyes and looked around the room. She couldn't remember where she was. The only thing she could remember was falling to the ground after hearing a bang. Pain shot through her side as she sat up. It hurt her too bad so she laid back. She winced at the pain. She finally closed her eyes to rest. While resting, she had a dream about the man that shot her. She looked at the man. He looked so familiar to her. She couldn't put her finger on who he was. Then a face matched the man. It was Jason. He knew Dixie was a close friend to Daisy and used her to get revenge on Daisy. Daisy screamed when she saw his face in her dream. Johnny, Roy, and Dr.Early ran into her room. She looked at them. "It was Jason that shot me. I saw him in a dream. He wants revenge. Please don't let him get me!" Johnny walked over and kneeled down. She buried her face into his chest. She was sitting up now crying. She was so upset that she didn't feel the pain coming from her side. Johnny stroked her hair trying to calm her down. Joe and Roy walked outside to talk.

"Maybe we need to call her friend. That might calm her down. She works for the city police department," Roy suggested. Joe nodded in agreement. Roy walked over to the desk and picked up the phone.

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