Chapter 11: Revenge?

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The next week came rather quickly than Daisy had hoped for. She was a little nervous about the article now. She went into the station the morning it was supposed to be released and sat down on the couch in the kitchen. Henry saw how nervous and stressed Daisy looked. He laid his head down next to Daisy's leg. Daisy smiled at him and petted on him. That got the topic off of her mind. Roy walked into the kitchen after the morning tones went off. He saw that she was stressed. "What's eating at you?"

"That stupid article that Christy wrote. It's being released today, and I'm afraid that she said something bad about the department all because of me. Then, we get a bad reputation," Daisy said lowering her head. Roy thought about it for a minute.

"Daisy, it wouldn't be your fault. You were only doing your job. We get looked down on all the time. It's not anything new to us. Johnny and I are always told that we are just firemen pretending to be doctors. It doesn't hurt the department. Trust me. There isn't anything Christy could say that would hurt the Fire Department or even the station. Don't be worried or stressed over it. If she says anything about you in it, I think Cap would have it under control. He was pretty mad when he found out about what she did to you out in the bay."

"He knows about that?" Daisy asked with her eyes getting wide, "I'm really in for it now."

"Like I said, Cap will have it under control. There's nothing to be afrai-"

"Roy, she threatened that if Cap did find out, she would put something in the article about me and Johnny. I laughed at her because the whole department already knows, but she seemed serious. What am I going to do?" Daisy asked burying her head in her hands. Nothing was going right.

"Well, I don't think anything could embarrass you very badly. You're already dating an embarrassment," Roy joked. Daisy laughed at his joke. She did have to admit that it was funny. Captain Stanley walked in.

"Good morning," Captain Stanley said as he picked up a magazine that was on the table,"Daisy, you might want to read this article." Daisy's heart stopped. Captain Stanley handed her the magazine. The article read:

Last week, I observed Fireman Paramedics up close at Station 51 as they go head first into the face of danger. I do have to say that these guys do earn their pay. What stood out to me the most was that there was a woman paramedic, Daisy Collins. She was a nice young lady and only wanted to save lives. I interviewed her captain and what he thought about her. "I think she is really good at what she does. She has a big heart and cares about her crew mates and the citizens of LA County. She does what she knows is best, and there isn't anymore that I could ask of her," Captain Hank Stanley stated. This is very true by what I observe of her. At one fire, one of the other paramedics was trapped inside. Daisy acted quickly along with her other partner to get him and the victim. The thing that got me the most was her actions. At the station, she washed the dishes, fix the food, and even cleaned the floors by herself. I came to her about it and asked her why she was being so much like a Cinderella. She told me, " I'm only doing it out of kindness."

At the fire, she must have been upset because she told me, "Cinderella nothing. These are my crew mates. We are like a family. Some of us are closer than others, but we stick up for each other. We all have it rough, but we make each other feel better when there is rough times." She really has guts and stands up for what she believes in. I really love how this woman works. We butted heads a few times, but it was me who was in the wrong. I called her Cinderella and acted like it was a big deal that she helped them with work. If you are reading this, Daisy, I want to say that I am sorry for my actions. Thank you.

Daisy looked up and smiled. She handed the magazine over to Roy as the other guys came in. Roy shared Daisy's smile and read the article out loud to everyone else. "Well, it looks like you left a pretty big impression on Christy. She came in here with a cold heart and left with a nice and warm one. Good job, Daisy. Cap is right. You do have a big heart," Roy said. Daisy blushed. The phone rang as everyone talked about how Christy had changed. The room went to silence immediately.

"Wait. What happened? We'll keep an eye on her," Captain Stanley hung the phone up. He turned and looked at Daisy. She looked at him with concern.

"What's going on?" she finally asked. Captain Stanley sat down at the table and shook his head.

"Jason Long escaped from jail last night. Jennifer called to say that we need to keep an eye on you because he kept saying while he was in jail that he was going to get his revenge on you," he said slowly. Daisy's heart shattered into a million little pieces. He was coming back to get her again. She gulped.

"Revenge?" she asked in a shaky voice. She got up and walked outside for a minute to get a breath of fresh air. Johnny and Roy followed her.

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