Chapter 8: A Friend In Need Of A Friend

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Jennifer filled out the reports while her partner went to get a cup of coffee. To her surprise, Jim and Pete walked up to her. "Hey. How are you?" she asked looking up from her paper. Pete had a sad look on his face and so did Jim. That put a little concern on Jennifer.

"Mac just got a call from Rampart,"Pete said slowly,"Daisy has been shot by Jason. One of the firemen called and asked if you could go up there. He said that she had a nightmare and woke up screaming and crying saying that it was Jason and that he was coming back for her for revenge. They think that she'll calm down with you there." Jennifer nodded. She finished her report then told her partner that she needed to go and left. Once she arrived at the hospital, Jennifer ran to the room Daisy had been moved to. Johnny and Roy were on a call. Jennifer walked over to Daisy and calmed her down so Daisy was alone. Daisy was still crying and shaking. She was so scared. Jennifer walked over to Daisy's side and held her hand.

"Nothing is going to happen to you. I'm here. Remember that," Jennifer said as Daisy calmed down more and more. She finally stopped shaking and crying. Daisy looked up at Jennifer once she was fully calm.

"You didn't have to come here for such a childish reason," Daisy said feeling guilty that she had pulled her friend away from work.

"Nonsense. You were a friend in need of a friend," she said smiling at Daisy. Johnny and Roy walked in to check on how Daisy was doing. Roy knew he would be visiting her a lot while she was here due to his partner, Romeo. Johnny smiled seeing that Daisy was finally calm. He was covered in soot due to the fire they just came from. Johnny walked over to the other side of the bed.

"Did you have fun playing in the soot?" Daisy asked jokingly. Johnny smiled his signature crooked smile that Daisy loved seeing.

"I see your sarcasm is still good," he replied back. He reached over and kissed her. Jennifer's eyes widened.

"I see that your lips are okay," Jennifer said laughing. Everyone chuckled at her remark. She got up and leaned against the wall. The room fell to a silent.

The door opened breaking the silence. Dixie popped her head in to check on Daisy. She walked in with the crutches she was given. "Hey. How are you?" she asked smiling.

"I'm doing great. I'll be out of here in a few days. How are you? You fell pretty hard," Daisy asked with concern.

"Only a few sprains. I'll be out in no time. Thank you for helping me. I still don't know what happened. All I did was tell him he needed to lower his voice. He grabbed me and jumped out the window. He kept asking for you though. That's where it puzzles me," Dixie said looking at Daisy. Jennifer looked at Daisy. She saw anger build up on her face.

"I knew it was Jason,"Daisy said with anger behind it.


A week later, Daisy was once again released from the hospital. This time, it was on a day she was off. Jennifer picked her up in her car. Daisy was happy to be able to go home. She was so ready to get back on the field. She has already missed so much because of something foolish. Daisy's apartment building was getting closer and closer. Daisy took off her seat belt to get ready to get out when Jennifer passed up the driveway. Daisy gave her a look of question. "I thought we would go back to my place to hang out for awhile." Daisy nodded. She put her seat belt back on. Jennifer knew Daisy was tense and needed to go somewhere where she could relax for awhile before she blew. They pulled into Jennifer's driveway, and Daisy took her seat belt off once again and got out. Jennifer walked ahead of Daisy and unlocked the door.

"Hang on. I forgot to get something," Daisy said as she turned to walk back to the car. Jennifer walked on in and sat down on the couch and didn't even bother turning on the light. The house still had some burn marks from when Jason lit the house on fire. Daisy walked in and saw that it was dark so she turned the lights on herself. She jumped up when she heard what came next.

"Surprise! Welcome back!" everyone in the room said. All of the guys back from Station 10 was there and so was her crew mates from 51. Daisy smiled really big. Jennifer shared the same smile. She was happy to see Daisy actually smile. Johnny walked up to Daisy and hugged her. She was still shocked to see everyone.

"Look at the lovebirds!" someone yelled out causing everyone in the room to laugh. Daisy walked over to Jennifer and just shook her head.

"What am I going to do with you?" she asked jokingly.

"Throw me in a river and forget that I can't swim," she said sarcastically. That was always her comeback ever since they were little. The rest of the day, everyone partied and shared embarrasing stories mainly about Daisy.


The next day was rough for Station 51. They had a big structure fire, bad car pileup, and a brushfire. On top of that, Chet set the stove on fire when cooking lunch. Daisy stepped in and took care of the food situation. So the day wasn't all a big loss. At supper time, Roy got a phone call from Joanne. When he got off the phone, he was extremely happy and wouldn't tell anyone why. The tones went off just as Roy was about to eat. Thankfully, it was only the engine. Now, he could say what got him so excited.

"That was Joanne. She went to the doctor today for a checkup. She found out something while she was there. Joanne is-" Roy stopped. Their music was playing. The three got up from the table and headed for the squad. Roy's explanation would have to wait.

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