Chapter 14: Ultron

Start from the beginning

>Aine Chidorigafuchi:
I hope you had your training because I'm ready to kick your ass. Zeros! (Zeros then activates).

>Tony Stark:
Well I hope your ready for this aswell Supergirl. (Closes his faceplate).

And so Reiri Hida then commences the match in the intercomm.

>Reiri Hida:
(Using microphone) Now, let the battle begin!

And so both Aine & Iron Man charged at each other as the 2 of them then started punching & punching as they fought like All Might versus Nomu. Punching wasn't the only thing they did as they both flew & punches each other but everytime Iron Man keeps his distance he always fires a repulsor blast at Aine but she dodges most of them as she gets hit by some of them. They both fought & fought as Iron Man even grabbed Aine's right leg & did a Hulk on her as he continuously smashes her to the ground. As he does this Aine was able to fly while Iron Man still holding her leg as when she flies he ends up being brought to the air aswell. When Iron Man lets go he was able to reactivate his thrusters again as the 2 of them looks.

>Aine Chidorigafuchi:
(While standing still in the air) I must say that I'm impressed. So tell me what that suit is.

>Iron Man:
(While standing still in the air) It's called Thorbuster, this suit was made to combat the Norse God of Thunder, Thor. But this version is upgraded as not only this suit is made of Adamantium, Vibranium, & Uru Metal but it also has Asgardian Magic which increases its firepower & everything. And luckily I upgraded this bad boy for the fight.

>Aine Chidorigafuchi:
Well then, let's see how long it can last.

As the 2 of them were about to attack again they both heard an alarm as an evacuation is occuring right now. Chifuyu then told the 2 of them that the match is now cancelled as something is heading to the arena they're in right now. As the 2 of them looks up it turned out to be Autumn & Madoka as the 2 of them brought some DEM Robots to attack. Luckily the students got out but the ones who can fight stayed as Bruce jumps into the Arena as he carried most of his gadgets with him. And so Bruce fights the robots while Aine & Iron Man fights the other DEM Robots until Autumn shot webs at them trapping them both. When Autumn got close Iron Man got out easily thanks to the Thorbuster's strength as he then Falcon Punched Autumn so hard that she hitted a wall really hard. While Madoka on the other hand charges at the Intercomm where Chifuyu is but she was suddenly stopped by both Aine & Ichika as the fights her. Because of Madoka's drones it kept Ichika busy while Aine fights Madoka 1 on 1. Meanwhile Autumn got up & was now angry as she starts attacking at Iron Man. However this would certainly prove her downfall as she was taken down so easily that her IS Unit is now broken so it deactivated itself.

>Iron Man:
Seriously Gwen Stacy, this is the best you can do? Atleast Spiderman was more challenging than you are.

Before Iron Man could punch her to the face Madoka then interfered as now she's fighting Aine & Iron Man but she quickly left while Autumn ran away but was hurt really badly. And so everyone asked each other if were they okay & said they're all fine. They all then heard something outside as a battle goes on. War Machine & Green Lantern were already deployed while Gridman & Gridknight fights off a Kaiju & some Kaiju sized Ultron Robots. What they all see is not only the forces which normally attacks Earth but Ultron's robots aswell which made Iron Man ask of how is this whole shit is happening. As he wonders Tsurugi then arrived as he needs their assistance to fight off the invaders. The Batwing then arrived & dropped a drop pod as when Bruce opened it had the Zebra Batman Suit. And so everyone is now prepared as they all went to repel the invasion. And so Iron Man assisted Gridman & Gridknight as thanks to his Thorbuster he easily took them out in 1 or few punches with a help from Aine as they also fight the ones in the air. Batman & Tsurugi then fights the ones on ground as not only Batman controlled the robots with magnetisn but Tsurugi proved to be a badass as he uses his shield as a weapon. Batman even controlled the shield & makes it hit other robots in sight. As so many fought Green Lantern then destroyed the main carrier by constructing a Laser Cannon which fired a big beam & luckily some of the guys in Ataraxia closed up the portal. After the battle Iron Man & Aine got down as they both sit down for now as both Zeros & the Thorbuster has 20% energy left. As they all rest for now Ultron then suddenly arrives as he attacked Iron Man. When Aine punched Ultron he felt nothing as he just shrugged her off of him. This made Iron Man & Aine fight him as their combined strength is powerful but Ultron was more powerful as he took both of them down. But instead of finishing the job Ultron just left while laughing. And so Iron Man then got back up & helped Aine up as everyone gets to them.

Tony, what happened?

>Iron Man:
You guys won't believe it but we just fought Ultron.

>War Machine:
Wait, Ultron, as in Ultron himself?

>Green Lantern:
No wonder why most of those robots were familiar. Although they were not as fragile than before.

>Tsurugi Yoshichika:
Wait a second, who's Ultron?

>Aine Chidorigafuchi:
I don't know either but me & Tony just fought him. And I believe only Tony can explain what's going on.

>Iron Man:
Then in that case, call the commanders & the military as not 1 of the students must know about this.

To Be Continued

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