Apologies [12]

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The girl tossed and turned in her bed, her back ached, cracked and yearned for something comfier. At that point the floor would of been better than her bed. Although, she had already tried that. Not even ten minutes earlier she had sprayed out on the ground beside her bed, laying on her stomach, back and side. Nothing was changing.

She jumped out of bed.

Mad that she couldn't get a good nights sleep.

She looked at the bed in pure disgust. Why couldn't it do it's very simple job? Just be comfy.

Glancing over to her clock, she noticed the time.


The sound of people singing and dancing from the outside caught her attention. Stepping over to the window, she was met with the bright lights of the Capitol. The many citizens still celebrating the arrival of the tributes.

Alexis left her room, seeking water from the kitchen when she heard the soft breathes of someone. Glancing around the corner, she saw Peeta sitting in the windowsill, she decided to leave him. She needed water. Her mouth was a dry as the hottest, most barren desert.

It was dark, but the light from the outside filled the kitchen with a soft blue light. She quietly reached up and grabbed a glass, when she heard a soft cough come from the boy. She leant back to see him scratching his throat. Alexis ended up grabbing two glasses and filling them with water.

Holding them carefully she stepped around the corner, walking over to the boy in the windowsill. He looked up at her, giving a soft smile. Alexis handed the boy one of the glasses of water before sitting down in front of him in the window. "Hey..." He whispered before taking a sip from the glass, looking out at the scene below.

"Hi..." Alexis muttered placing the glass down, shutting her eyes and leaning on the small wall behind her. "What's keeping you up?"

Peeta looked over at the girl, the one he had known since forever. The one he had abandoned when he was one of the only people she had left. He hated that he had done that, he hated the fact that they could of helped each other through the grief. But instead he left her.  "I guess it's just nerves..." He didn't quite know how to say sorry. Say sorry for the things he felt so terrible about.

The girl opened her eyes, "Yeah... I feel you." She was incredibly tired, "It's a lot, but I guess it has to be done. You have your interviews coming up don't you?"

The boy nodded, "Along with grading which is just fantastic, what am I even meant to show them?" He questioned, looking back over to the party down on the street, "Throw a weight?" He then stood up to demonstrate. "Oh looky here..." He began to imitate throwing a weight, spinning in a circle, only to throw air. "It's Peeta and all he can do is throw a ball..."
He sat back down with a grin on his face, as Alexis could not help herself from laughing.

She covered her face, "Oh yes. Strong boy, is strong." She began to throw her hands in the air, "Yes! He shall be scored a 100 out of 12. Highest score ever!" She began to clap and Peeta gave a mockery of a bow.

They both guessed that if they laughed about it, it would hurt less.

The two continued to laugh as they got lost in each others eyes; emerald green mixing with chocolate brown. Alexis was the first to notice, slowly looking back down to her lap, bringing her knees to her chest, the girl began to hug them. "Well, personally... My bed just isn't... working... That's why i'm out of bed."

The boy let out a scoff of a laugh, "What do you mean... working?"

The girl shrugged, "I don't know." The two fell into a small silence, Peeta kept glancing over at Alexis, wanting to say more, but he didnt know how to start.

I'm sorry i ditched you.

I'm sorry i didn't comfort you.

I'm sorry?

No. That's not how you start an apology.

He finally looked back up to her, "Lexi?" She looked up, "Do you remember one of the first times we met?"

She smiled, "Weren't we like seven?" She questioned, and Peeta nodded, "It was at school, I remember Dustin came up to me with a mysterious blonde boy." Peeta sat there, holding onto every word she said, recounting their first interaction. "He introduced you, saying something like, "Oh, this is Peeta, he's going to be hanging around us now." I remember thinking that he said Pita, like the bread, so i repeated it and you corrected me straight away. Its like you were offended.."

Peeta scoffed, "I was." A chuckle soon escaped his lips, "I was... The name is Peeta, like EE, not Pita.."

Alexis playfully rolled her eyes, "Oh but Pita Bread just suits you so much," She smiled, "But other than that, it was like us three plus some others for like six years, until..." She gulped, "Until we got reaped..."

A look of hurt crossed the girls face, as Peetas mouth fell slightly ajar, he wasn't expecting her to bring it up. He was about to say something but he decided to wait a little bit, trying to find the right words. "Look, Lexi... I'm sorry." She looked up again, "I'm sorry for the way everyone... How I treated you when you came back... I feel like shit about it, I'm a terrible friend."

Alexis shook her head, "No. Don't be. We were all hurting. Adjusting."

"I could of been there for you." He pushed, "I could of comforted you, told everyone off for ignoring you-" He was cut off by Alexis leaning forward and wrapping her arms around the boy's neck. Her head rested on his chest, as his arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "I'm sorry." He whispered down to her.

"I'm sorry too." She spoke softly back, she was sorry for him, it wasn't just her who lost her best friend.  She adjusted herself to lay her head on her arms which was comfier than his chest. She could smell the Capitol scent in his clothes. Roses... unlike his usual smell of fresh bread, firewood smoke and this stupid soap that everyone one has in the district that smells like nothing but it definitely has a scent because you can smell it on people. She wanted to say that she preferred the smell of the district Peeta over the Captiols Peeta but she didn't want to offended him. So instead the two just stayed there, in the silence of each others embrace.

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