Coward [01]

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Too dark.

The crunch of many feet against the wet sand filled her ears; her body ached, she couldn't run anymore, the toxin was running through her veins. She could barely tell if her eyes were open or closed, the only way she could tell she was under the night sky and not in a black box was the stars above her. This new game maker sure knew what he was doing...

Her sprint soon slowed until the force of a familiar hand pushed her back, pushing her towards the water; her back cracked in multiple areas and she let out a groan. "The water." She heard his cracking voice whisper as they ran towards it, she could only barely make out the shape of the broken-down cruise ship on the other side of the lake. She snuck a glance behind her to see four teenagers running after them with swords, machetes, and maces. The careers.

The sound of the water slapping the sand below it was the only indication that they were close to the shoreline. If they were back in District 12, they would have been thankful to go for a swim, but this water... the water was toxic. "You sure?" She breathed painfully, she was already in agony from the swim to the island, going back in seemed like imminent death. They had no weapons, completely defenceless, there was no choice. Swim or die.

They kicked up the water as they began to run into it, a scream left the girls lips, it burnt as though she was walking through fire. The sky had begun to lighten, time works differently in the arena, the new game maker didn't like to have consistent days. Above their heads was a light purple and blue haze, if she wasn't facing death, she would have stopped to look at it.

As they run, the pain only got worse and then she heard them enter the water after them. Tears filled her eyes, she couldn't wipe them away, there was no time. That's when she felt him fall. She turned back but he pushed her away, "Go!" Her jaw dropped; she couldn't leave him, he was her best friend, the one who protected her all her life...

She shook her head furiously, "N- No!" as she ran towards him, he yet again pushed her back from his place - waist deep in the water. He was weak, she could tell.

"Alexis! Run!" She quickly run towards him before he could push me away, she wrapped her arms around him, placing a small kiss on his cheek before whispering to him 'I love you... okay?' He nodded and mumbled something back as she looked up to see the careers around ten metres away, causing her to quickly turn away and dive into the water. She swam for her life, he wanted her to leave him. How could she just leave him there? What was she doing?

Coming up for a breath, she turned back, her feet didn't touch the lake floor, the water had caused her skin to turn red, and blisters had begun to form. She looked up to see the careers at him, standing in a semicircle with the leader behind him. He looked around eighteen, short auburn hair covering his eyes, pale skin but the thing she noticed most was the machete to her best friend's throat. "Dustin!" She let out a blood curdling scream as the boy did it; a sick smile across his face, he took pleasure in it.

Another scream left her throat, ripping it as it came out and it ended in a deep groan as tears coursed down her cheeks. She watched as he threw Dustin's body in the water and a deep boom echoed throughout the arena. He was gone, never coming back into the world. Maybe he was better off. He was too pure for this world, he didn't deserve to live in it, not like this.

The boy with auburn hair wiped the blood off his machete and onto his jacket; in a flash all four careers charged forward; she's never moved so quickly. She dove into the water yet again and weakly began to swim, the mental and physical pain dragging her down to the depths of the lake. She just needed to make it to the cornucopia. The cruise ship. Get herself a weapon, anything, a bow, a sword, a machete. Anything.

They were the last five. The odds weren't in my favour, I'll tell you that. She slowly and reluctantly pulled herself out of the water, the friction of her delicate skin against the grey rocks, cut and scraped, causing her to cry out. Pushing forward, she got to her feet, stumbling towards the weapons, her eyes caught glimpse of a silver bow and five arrows. Must make them count. Just as she picked up the weapon, she heard someone exit the water. Just as she finished nocking the bow, she turned and fired. It was a blonde girl, in the chest lay the arrow planted in deep. dead. BOOM.

She needed revenge.

Again, a boy exited the water, black hair in a bun, and even darker eyes, an arrow planted straight between his eyes. dead. BOOM.

Where is he?

Another, girl who climbed onto the rocks, a smirk on her lips, red hair brighter than a rose, brown freckles on her pasty skin. "What are you going to do, little girl-", an arrow through her throat. dead. BOOM.

Where is the coward.

Two arrows left in the quiver, to her side lay a machete. Her eyes were taken off the metal and to the boy with auburn hair walking towards her, the devilish smile still on his face. Quickly, she nocked an arrow, aiming for his right thigh, it planted in deeply, causing him to let out a groan and fall onto his knee. She saw he had no weapon. Then she aimed at his left hip, he was finally weakened. She didn't say anything as she threw the bow to the side and retrieved the machete that laid at her feet. The boy let out a defeated chuckle, "Do it..." he said as she slowly walked towards him and stood behind him. She didn't remember what she did, she remembered the sound it made, the sound that would haunt her forever. BOOM.

She dropped the machete. She had given him no mercy, he had none for Dustin. She pushed the boy to the side, "Doesn't feel good... does it? ... Coward."

She stepped away from him and saw the four bodies on the ground in front of her and let out a shuttered breath. What have I done? She looked over at the water, and then to her arms and legs that were blistered and covered in blood. She froze, the Capitols anthem played for a moment before a familiar voice blared, the same one that spoke at the feast.
"Ladies and Gentlemen... May I present to you, the winner of the 72nd Hunger Games! Districts Twelves very own Alexis Blake!" A blank expression rested on her face, so many thoughts running through the girl's head.

She was only fourteen.

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