Shadow's Revelation

Start from the beginning

“My words still stand”, Faline said as she looked at me, “and you Tyro?”

I didn't answer.

“The last time I saw you, you were a little boy.”

I walked over and pulled Faline into a hug. She nuzzled my neck as I did, “thank you for saving me. It's not my place to say, but I'm proud of who you are, you and Shadow both.”

I felt like I was gonna cry, “yes mam.”

“Let me carry you Mom”, Shadow said as he slid Faline onto his back. Faline draped her forepaws over his neck and twined her tail with his, mumbling something to him I couldn't make out. When we arrived back on the flight deck, Shadow went to a V22 and left his mother with the medics who immediately started IV's. They talked for a bit before she fell asleep and Shadow walked back out to meet me.

“I found your Dad's body”, I said holding out Taro's tags.

Shadow pushed them back at me, “keep them. He would have wanted you to have them.”

I sighed, not knowing whether I was supposed to be grateful or not, “what do you wanna do with your Dad's body?”

“He always loved the water”, Shadow said, “so...leave him here and sink the ship. Give him a burial at sea. I think that's what he would want.”

Shadow looked up at the command tower. It was seeing him sitting there with his Dad's gear on that made me realize something and smile.

“What?”, Shadow asked.

“Seems he wanted to pass the legend of Razgriz onto you”, I said tapping the mask.

“And I'll happily accept it”, Shadow replied closing his eyes, “and now Razgriz has one last target to take.”

“Who would that be?”, I asked.

“Lung Wei”, Shadow answered.

I felt my heart stop.

“He's in cahoots with the US government. His plan all along was to draw in rouge dragons to one place and kill them all.”

Shadow turned and started back for the V22. I felt my heart beating faster and faster. Lung was behind all of this!?! How!?! Why!? I gritted my teeth. I felt the fire inside of me burning higher and higher, burning my insides with it. I felt every muscle in my body tense. I raised my forepaws and slammed down on the deck so hard that the entire ship rocked, startling every body and nearly sending one of the 22's into the water below.

“What the fuck!”, Nina yelped.

Shadow starred daggers at me as I walked to the 22, so did everyone else.

“If you wish to leave the Draco Project”, I told them, “grab your stuff and broad the battleship. They'll be more than happy to accommodate you until you can be based.”

Without words, many of the dragons got up and went to get their things. The only ones who didn't were a few who were tied up. I set them lose and then boarded the V22 with Shadow and Faline. Greyson primed the engines and soon we were in the air.

“Where are we going?”, Faline asked.

“The Republic Of Romeo”, I answered, “our home. I'll explain later. For now, just try and get some sleep.”

Faline smiled, “before I do, how's Adelind?”

I smiled, “my mate? She's great.”

Faline laughed lightly, “The prophecy was true. I always knew the two of you would end up together. As for you Shadow, how's Nina?”

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