Dazai wasn't listening. He was just staring at Ranpo in his arms. "He needs a hospital!" the woman said, staring at Dazai with wide eyes.

Dazai simply nodded in reply, this felt so familiar.

"I can take him, my ability allows me to manipulate things around me. I'll steal a car!" she yelled, looking at Dazai, who was still staring at Ranpo's closed eyes.

The woman knew Dazai wasn't in the right state of mind to even understand what she was saying, he was in shock and she didn't blame him.

God, what have I got myself into.

"P-please don't let him die. He's my friend." muttered Dazai, looking up at the woman who was now stood up.

She nodded in reply and began using her ability to manipulate various things around her. Dazai stood up, Ranpo still bleeding out in his arms. The woman instructed Dazai to lay Ranpo down on a nearby couch which she had morphed into an almost hospital bed with wheels off a nearby table.

She then hurriedly wheeled Ranpo out of the room and down the hall as Dazai watched in horror. He didn't know what to even do, his mind which was usually quick and strategic was blurry and a mess. His senses were off by miles.

All he could do was watch, in silence and covered in Ranpo's blood as the woman he'd just met wheeled his friend off into the distance. Was this even the right thing to do?

"That was quite a show." a man's voice muttered from behind him. Dazai recognised it. He had heard this voice before.

The bandaged man turned around slowly to face the bodiless voice.

"How did it feel? Watching someone who meant so much to you die in front of you?" the man asked. Dazai stared at him, his eyes narrowing and fists clenching.

"You! You stabbed Ranpo?" Dazai yelled, staring furiously at the man in front of him. It was the leader of the red striped group. The man that, all those years ago, Dazai had taken prisoner under the orders of Mori.

Dazai moved towards the man, anger in his eyes, "I'll kill you!" he yelled.

"Ah-ah-ah, not so close, family killer!" the leader yelled, placing his hand out to stop Dazai from coming any closer.

"Do you know what my ability is?" The man asked, smirking at Dazai.

Dazai huffs, annoyed, "no i don't." he says, matter-of-factly.

The man begins to laugh maniacally. His eyes widened. Dazai tenses.

"My name is Maindo and my ability is to manipulate people's perception of others through mind control." He smirks, clearly proud of his ability.

Dazai's breath hitched in his throat. Mind control? He was under the impression Q was the only ability user with that power.

"You see, though, I can't control people's actions," he began, taking a step towards Dazai, "I just control what they think of others and what they do because of those thoughts isn't really my fault!" he yelled, laughing again.

"Where are the rest of the agency and port mafia!?" Dazai yelled, ignoring Maindo's clear approach at bragging.

"oh , well, they're out looking for you, of course!" the man says, smirking.

"What do you mean?" asked Dazai, confused and angry, "Where's Chuuya?"

The leader laughs again. "You see, while you were gone I had a thought implanted into all your little friend's brain's," he cackled, "they all want to kill you because of something I made them think you did!"

Dazai's eyes widened again, he was completely alone. All of his side had been manipulated. He stood there staring at Maindo.

"Oh and Chuuya?" The leader began again, Dazai's heart rate rose further, "he's not doing too good." the man feigned a sad face and then smirked at Dazai.

"What did you do to him?" Dazai yelled, worried.

"You see, he's spiralled into a bit of a depression, he thinks you finally killed yourself!"

Dazai felt his heart ache.

"Where is he?" Dazai muttered, his energy was slowly depleting, this man was taking everything.

"Hmm... he said something about going to a nearby bridge and taking a swan dive off the side!" Maindo laughed again, holding his stomach as he did so, "good luck saving him he left 20 minutes ago!"

Dazai lurched forward, if he could just use his nullification ability on him, it would all be fixed.

The man moved backwards, "oh your little ability won't work for Chuuya, you see, his feelings are real! Even if you erase the thought about you being dead from his mind he'll still be so upset and go through with it!"

Dazai didn't even think about it. He turned and ran out of the room, leaving the leader to laugh maniacally to himself as he got further and further away.

Maybe this was the one time that he couldn't save Chuuya from himself.

AN: this shit depressing asf sorry im really projecting my mental state onto this fanfic bhddgcvdeyc. 

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