Back to the Streets Where We Begin

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*Time Skip*

"Hey guys, well welcome to Tour! Today is the first day of Tour!" I say into the camera.

"So I wanted to show you guys around, basically a tour of my own hehe." I say.

"Hey make sure someone goes with you, if you're going outside alright" Brendon shouts across the stage.

"Will do father!" I shout back.

"So at the moment, Dad is having soundcheck, so let's not show you that part because that would be spoilers." I say, turning the camera away.

"So we'll come back to the stage later! so this here is the dressing rooms, look who's here?" I say pointing the camera at everyone in the room.

"Say hello, my dudes!" I say.

"Wassup guys!" They shout.

"So Awsten tell me, what you're excited for this tour? Also this will be as a vlog for week one but I'll edit it and put it on my YouTube channel." I explain to him.

"Umm I'm thinking see the fans face when they see us and having a blast!" He says.

"Yo, just imagine" Geoff says.

"Welp, you got that! Stay tune guys!" I say into the camera. Then I turn it off taking a break.

"So what are your guy's plan today?" I ask them.

"I don't know really, probably just chill in here" They say. After sitting down and throwing grapes into Otto's mouth I decided it was time for me to mess with Conan.

"Pshhh say something into the camera." I tell him.

"Sup, my lonely bitches. Hope you all come to the show and enjoy it, See ya soon!" He says.

"You're annoying and I'm bored what are you doing?" I ask him.

"Nothing" he says shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay, cool we're gonna go explore around the arena." I say pulling his arms.

I pulled him around and had my camera out.

"So as you can see I have captured the Conan Gray to show me around the place." I say into the camera.

"So here's our tour bus, let's go inside." I said waving at the camera as if it's a person.

"Ooo pretty noice, so this is my bunk on the right. Brendon's on the left, see it's clean" I say.

"Umm we got a fridge filled with drinks, you name it! Pantry filled with snacks.... Oooo my favorite, I call dibs" I say taking a bag of takis out.

"Nicole's is staying on the bunk above mine, Mike's is above Brendon's and Jake I think he's sharing with Conan, right cone?" I ask him.

"Uh what- yeah!" He says.

"Alright, so that's about it for now," I say flipping the camera off.

As we walk out of the bus, myself being clumsy tripped over my own foot but luckily Conan was there to catch me and instantly we heard a click coming from a camera.

"Uh wasn't from me" I say putting my hands up and away from the camera that was hanging on my neck.

"Shit, there's a dude right there" Conan says.

Then we head back inside the arena.

"Ughh I forgot how paparazzi can be!" I say out loud.

"Hey kiddo, what have you been up to?" Brendon asks me.

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