Chapter 14 (The tables have turned)

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Velvela was carrying me through the wood to i don't know where after we heard some sort of search party for us coming towards the cave but the question i keep asking myself where are we going but as shes running i start to doze off but.

Velvela-Hey come on you got to stay awake where almost there.

Y/N-Ok ok im up.

but then i look up to see light at the end of the forest but when i look up where at my home she then carrys me to the door then puts me down.

Y/N-Why did we come back here?

Velvela-It's the only place i could think of im dropping you off and leaveing this is for the best.

Y/N-WHAT no!

Velvela-Im sorry i have to.

Y/N-*sigh* ok but can you come in just for a little bit?


I then open the door with the key under the matt and we go inside the liveing room and Velvela sits on the couch and she looks like she's bigger than it.

Y/N-Velvela why do you have to go why can't i come with you?

Velvela-Because if they find me im most likely going to be arrested and they may take to a mental hospital for being in love with a monster like me.

Y/N-Hey your not a monster your my girlfriend my everything.

She then looks down and gets up and starts to walk to the door and opens it.

Velvela-Goodbye Y/N-

But she is cut off by me closeing it back.

Velvela-Y/N what are you doing?

She opens it again but i close it and push her back a bit.

Velvela-Y/N stop i have to go.

She opens it again but i close it.

Velvela-Y/N don't make me hurt you.

she opens it oone final time but i close it but this time she trys to swing her claws at me but i move out of the way.

Velvela-Get back here!

I run into the kitchen and close the door and grab a frying pan and hide and the Velvela breaks the door down.

Velvela-Where are y-


I hit her over the head with the pan and knock her out i then put it down and i drag her to the bedrrom on the bottom floor.

(Velvela POV)
I was waking up when i got hit with whatever that was but now im on a bed and im tied up what hell why am i tied up but then i see Y/N sitting next to the bed.

Velvela-What Y/N what are you doing let me out!


Velvela-What are my ears playing tricks on me? did you just say No?

Y/N-No im not letting you out.

Velvela-Well you think these ropes can hold me than you are.

I try to struggle free but i fail.

Velevla-What the how tight did you tie these?


Velvela-So you think you can just keep me here tied up like im your property YOU sweet loving boy you do love me.

He then gets up and holds my cheek as we kiss each other lovingly.

Velvela-But it's not safe for us where are we going to go?

Y/N-Hmmmmm I hear Hawaii is good this time of year.

Velvela-Ok lets do it.

A wolf's mate(Yandere Velvela x Younger male reader)Where stories live. Discover now