Chapter 9 (Snapped)

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A few days past by I went back home but I didn't tell mom what happens and Velvela started to calm down a bit she is starting to trust me more but I still have to be careful one thing could set her off so if I keep her calm I can keep her happy but right now we are just cuddling on the couch at my place.

Velvela-Hey Y/N wanna go walk around town?

Y/N-Sure anything in particular you want to do?

Velvela-N-No just walk around.

Y/N-Ok let's go.

We just get up and walk out the house and start to walk to town and just enjoy each other's company then we just reach town and just walk around.

Y/N-Hey you hungry?

Velvela-Yeah you!

Y/N-Definitely let's grab a hotdog.

We just went over to a small little hotdog vendor and grab two hotdogs and just sit down and eat.

Y/N-How is it?

Velvela-It's good.

Just then I heard a familiar voice coming from behind us.

Thomas-Y/N Your alright and you.

Just then Velvela looked mad and now I have to calm her down.

Y/N-Velvela it's okay calm down.

She started to calm down a bit but she didn't stop glaring at Thomas.

Y/N-Hey how are you man and what's with the cast?

Thomas-Ask the psycho next to you!

They then started to bare there teeth at each other and now growling but then I pull Thomas into a little sidebar.

Y/N-Look Thomas don't insult her she is going through a lot and she could snap and I'm trying to keep that from happening.

Thomas-Dude you can't be serious she is insane she threatened to kill me and me and my family she brook my arm left me in an ally how are you still supporting this creep?

Velvela-You know I can still hear you!

Thomas-Like I said she's crazy!

Velvela-THATS IT!

She then pushed me out and grabbed Thomas by the collar of his shirt.

Velvela-Looks like I should have killed the night before.

She then took out a pocket knife and was about to cut Thomas but then I just grab her arm but it was difficult because she was stronger.


She just looked at him then back to me like she was struggling to make the decision but she then lets go of Thomas.


She yells at him and then he starts running away but she looked like she was having a mental breakdown she was shaking and switching from crying smiling laughing and then back to crying but then I just try to calm her down and hug her.

Y/N-It's okay I'm not leaving.

She then hugs me back but really tight.

Velvela-That's right you aren't.

I then try to let go of her but she just hugs me tighter.

Velvela-Mine. Mine. Mine.

She not letting me go and just keeps holding me tighter and it was starting to get harder to breathe.

Velvela-J-Just go to sleep for a little while I'll g-get us back home.

I start to get a drowsy And i start to drift off.

(A few hours later)

I woke up and i was not in town anymore insted it looked like i was in some sort of forest but im alone until i hear a howl.

Y/N-Oh no.

(A/N:Yeah shes going to be a bit primal now)

A wolf's mate(Yandere Velvela x Younger male reader)Where stories live. Discover now