Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

I tuned out the chatter of the other bounty hunters in the cantina as I placed the pucks of my most recent bounty on the table separating me and Karga.

I had just returned in my ship, the Super Nova, and was eager to head back out again.

Being the best bounty hunter in the guild, I never took breaks.

Never rested.

It was a waste of my skills as a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter.

One of the only females in the Guild.

"You never fail to disappoint, do you Mando?" He mused with a sly smile as he reached for the pucks.

I placed my gloved hand over them faster than he could blink, pulling them back towards me, and resting one elbow on the table as the other sat in my lap, ready to grab any weapon I chose.

"I want my credits."

My voice crackled through my modulator as I spoke. Karga raised a silent brow, but gave a nod. "Of course."

He pulled out a small pouch, dumping out the pitiful contents of it.

I raised a questioning brow at him from underneath my helmet.

"Is this really all you can give me, Karga?" I asked with obvious displeasure in my voice, not even bothering to try and hide it, as I glanced down at the Imperial credits he was offering.

"I'm sorry Mando, I do have other Guild members to pay." Greef shrugged, patting the credits before reaching for my bounty pucks. I quickly slapped my hand back over them, itching to burn off his face.

"Its only half. And their Imperial."

"They still spend."

"And it's still only half. I can't even buy a box of ration packets with that." I hissed through my modulator, menace lining my tone as my fingers twitched towards my blaster.

Greef sighed, dragging a hand down his face, before straightening up again.

"Listen. You may be the best Bounty Hunter in the Guild, Mando, but with all due respect, you aren't the only one." He said innocently, raising his hands in surrender.

I sighed, and shook my head slightly in annoyance, the Beskar of my helmet flashing in the light as I did so.


I swiped the credits off the table, clenching them in my fist, as Karga nodded, taking my pucks in exchange.

"I want my next job."

"Ah," Greef laughed nervously, making me narrow my eyes.

"There may be a problem with that. You see, I have another Hunter that's supposed to be back any minute now, and I have an offer for the both of you."

"A partner job? No." I replied, a cold hardness in my voice. "I work alone."

"Yes, that's the fun part!" Karga exclaimed excitedly, holding out his arms, before taking a sip of his drink.

"So does this guy. And he's Mandalorian. He's just like you, the second best in the Guild."

Another Mandalorian Bounty Hunter?


As far as I was aware, I was the only one, the rest stayed underground with the Tribe.

'The Tribe...'

I really needed to get back to them to deliver these credits. They depended on me, as I was one of the two leaders there, alongside the Tribes Armorer.

I am General Firaxa Krast, feared Mandalorian soldier, and Death Watch warrior.

"Another Mandalorian?" I asked carefully, making sure to douse the spark of hope in my voice that there were more of my kind.

"Yes!" Greef replied proudly, looking over my shoulder. "As a matter of fact, here he comes."

Thank you for all y'alls support! Its finally out! You know who Kargas talking about... I hope.... WHOS EXCITED?!

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