Chapter 16: The Final Vote

Start from the beginning

"Great, isn't it?" Morgana said.

"In what universe is this great?" Luka snapped, with Marinette putting her hand on his shoulder to calm him down. This didn't faze Morgana.

"Yes. Don't you smell it? It's the smell of a lawsuit," Morgana said. Okay, both teens were wide awake now.

"Since when was the plan lawsuits?" Marinette asked.

"Since I told your parents to hire one. I got them to sign a non-disclosure agreement, so they'll say nothing about MDC," Morgana said.

"So, we're suing Alya? For what? Isn't it a little...too much?" Marinette asked.

"Your compassion for humanity sickens me," Morgana said bluntly.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with compassion," Luka defended.

"There is a time and a place. Marinette, you are not the only one using lawsuits. I don't think people will take too kindly about false information being made about them. It leads to accusation, false imprisonment and so much more. Chloé is helping with that since she knows people. Your parents approve. We have a case for you with abuse, slander, destruction of property, the list goes on really," Morgana explained.

"I never thought of it like that," Marinette mumbled.

"Of course, you didn't. A little white lie is fine, but what Lila is doing... well, let's just say that there is a tsunami coming her way," Morgana said.

" my sister one of them?" Luka asked suddenly.

"Why?" Morgana asked bluntly.

"Morgana..." Marinette said with a sigh and the girl let out a huff.

"Fine. Looking through all the stuff that is done via texts and posts, Juleka didn't seem to do anything abusive. It doesn't excuse her behaviour. The most is a suspension and some community work," Morgana stated.

"What about everyone else?" Marinette asked, while Luka looked slightly relieved. It wasn't that he approved of what Juleka did as she was an enabler, but he still cared about her.

"Need to know. All will be revealed. Remember my conditions. Do what I say," Morgana asked.

"What about Adrien?" Luka asked curiously. Marinette was so glad he asked that. While Adrien knew about the lies, he didn't take part.

"Oh, I have something special in mind for him," Morgana said with slight glee. Marinette felt the urge to laugh but then something crossed her mind. Why hadn't she mentioned to them about the chess piece? Or was she saving it for something.

"Should we be worried?" Luka asked.

"No. But do make sure to come to the student awards on Friday," Morgana said as she got up. Before the pair could even ask something else, she vanished as quickly as she got there.

"I don't know about you, but I am worried and excited," Marinette said as she cuddled Luka who merely nodded in response.


It was now Thursday and people were roaming the school as if nothing had happened. Of course, things like this were now a common occurrence. Alya, who was now in class, seemed to be quite oblivious to the fact that people were glaring her after the stunt she pulled yesterday and the fact that word had spread that Ladybug had told her off.

"You okay babe?" Nino asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Alya said as she examined her phone.

She didn't tell anyone about the piece she'd written about MDC, which was full of accusations and such. She only wanted to reveal after she was sure that people on the internet would back her up but all she'd been met with were negative comments. That she had no idea what she was on about, she was false and all sorts! MDC didn't even deny the accusations so if that wasn't proof, then nothing was! She bullied her friend! Speaking of her BFF, where was she?

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