we're studying in a school that's pretty far from home, and i don't know how keisuke got the money but he surprisingly managed to rent an apartment for us.

while waiting, the police asked me a few questions about the incident earlier.

c'mon, i was on a hurry because it's getting late, and i most certainly do not want to end up getting stabbed by keisuke the great.

aight, fine. maybe i was craving for some adrenaline so i got myself into trouble but failed miserably. oh well...

"thank you for answering, miss. you may wait there." the police escorted me to the lobby.

i didn't have my phone with me so i just stared at the surroundings, hoping to find something worth my while.

and as expected, there was none.

what's taking so long, keisuke?

i was about to go back to the office to request for a call again when something caught my eye from the outside.

loud noises from drunkards and... is that a fight?!

keisuke, you fucking donkey. i know you're here.

i went outside to immediately look for him but to my surprise, he's not the one fighting there.

it was a woman beating up a man to death, brutally.

i flinched when someone tapped my shoulder, only for me to turn around and see my big brother, cheering and raising his fists in a circular motion.

"haven't seen a fight like this for so long, so, uhh... might as well watch it, hehe." his voice is so loud, i surely felt it echoing inside my brain.

"how long have you been here?" i shouted, just enough for him to hear me.

"oh, like... 26 minutes?"

"26 minutes, u piece of shit. go inside the damn station and bail me out already!" i scoffed and dragged him inside.

"oh, i forgot the money."

i froze.


he forgot the money?

"you forgot... the money?" i replied without looking at him.

so like, i'm gonna be behind bars for 24 fucking hours?

"you made me wait for god knows how long, you raised my hopes up for god knows how long, only for you to forget the goddamn money?!" i gripped his pulse before turning around to face him.

"aight, i'm sorry. i'll make it up to you tomorrow, i promise." keisuke raised his arms, surrendering.

"can you atleast accompany me here?" i demanded.

"i'm afraid this might go against the visiting hours, sir. but no worries, she will not be behind bars. we will provide her a comfortable room until tomorrow. would that be okay?" the officer stated after unintentionally hearing our conversation.

"is the room air-conditioned? will i get free food? is my bed comfy?" shameful questions came out of my mouth, leaving the officer dumbfounded, but regained his composure later on.

"air-conditioned, yes. comfortable bed, yes. free food, well... sort of." he answered.

huh, must be a staff room.

fair enough, i can survive there for 24 hours.

no wait, i can't. i don't have my phone with me.

"shit, keisuke. can you bring me my phone here?" he was about to answer when the officer spoke again.

"i'm sorry, we will not be entertaining your brother anymore since it's literally past our visiting hours." he calmly stated.

oh, for fuck's sake. what am i supposed to do now?

me and keisuke waved our goodbyes before i got escorted to the room where i'm supposed to spend the night.

"you will stay here, miss y/n. i'll do my best to assist you in any way i can so please don't hesitate to contact me in case something bothers you." he gave me his card for me to contact him before finally leaving.

officer tachibana naoto, huh.

oh, fuck. just kill me. this is pure torture. boredom tortures me to death.

i complained before jumping on the bed.

hey wait, this is actually really comfy. i think i can sleep here.

minutes passed before i'm finally closing the lights when the door opened again.

it's the woman from earlier.

"this person was badly injured due to the fight earlier. for the sake of her safety, she'll have to stay here until tomorrow. she's gonna be your companion, miss y/n. please make youselves at home." a random officer said before slightly pushing the poor woman inside.

she had such pale blonde hair and noticable lavender eyes. i couldn't stop staring at it. she's a beauty.

i immediately dashed to check her bruised face. her nose was bleeding and her left cheek was slightly swollen.

"hey, come on. let's get you cleaned up." she did not deserve this. no woman deserves to be beaten up. only cowards would fight someone who's physically weaker than them.

"get your hands off me."

i stopped.

is my head playing with me?

or did i just hear...

a man's voice?!


don't forget to vote and comment. mwah - randou

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