Chapter 8~ Red Eyes and Butterflies

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Hey! I know it's been a while, I was contemplating on whether I should continue or this or not... But I got votes on some of my chapters and it really motivated me to continue! Thanks guys!

Chapter 8: Red Eyes and Butterflies


"Excuse me miss, what's your name?" a child, merely of 4 years, stumbled up to me as I was restocking weapons at base. I was almost startled when I smelled the scent of blood lingering on his tattered clothes.

"My name is Sakura, little one, are you lost? It's not very safe he-"

"Okay, are you a ninja?" I excused the interruption, smiling as I answered his question.

"...I am." When I said that, the child's eyes seemed to light up, as if I was their only hope.

"So... can you help my mother?" The boy pointed towards a bloody body on the ground just outside the tent. Swallowing the lump my throat, I slowly walked towards the deemed corpse, silently praying that there was just a drop of life left in the woman, and that there wasn't an orphan standing in the middle of a dusty battlefield...although nothing has been in our favor for the past year and half—when the war started.

"..erm.." and I as I suspected, another dead body. The child looked down, dusty brown bangs casting a depressing shadow over his eyes, his civilian clothes tattered and torn.

'Another child, orphaned, and with no place to go. Too young, way.. too..'

"—young! We gotta get her to the hospital!" A voice exclaimed urgently, lifting my limp, cold, drenched body and gently placed me unto the soft pasture. I tried to crack my eyes open to see my savior, but, having been under saltwater for two minutes too long, I shut them back tightly because of the burning sensation. Breathing was near impossible through     fluid-filled lungs, so I didn't even try to speak.

"What about the fish?" inquired Itachi, obviously.

"You bring the fish back home and I'll bring the child to the hospital!"



"There were no serious injuries other than bruise to the head and blisters on the hand...but I must ask, what could've caused a child to fall into a stream so suddenly?" The doctor couldn't help but pity the poor child as he saw her face scrunched up in what looked like pain.

"Beats me, doc." Shisui retorted sadly; inwardly he knew that her parents were probably worried sick... if she had any. Soon enough, the doctor left the room to tend to important business, and the children were left alone. Shisui decided to wait until Sakura woke up, having been told that she  was recovering from shock of the incident.

After an hour or two, Sakura's eyes fluttured lightly, implying that she was finally waking up from her seemingly long nap. She cracked her eyes open, ignoring the budding migraine that woke her up in the first place. Listlessly, she shifted her gaze towards a child that looked around 13, lazily propped against a sofa in a corner of the room, drooling and snoring loudly. She tried to speak to thank him for saving her, but her dry throat only made her cough, inevitably catching Shisui's attention.

"Ah, you're finally awake! How're you feelin', kid?" Shisui said while fixing his posture and trying to make it seem as if he wasn't sleeping for the past 2 hours. Sakura cleared her throat and in a raspy voice, she replied.

"... I'm okay, thank you."  

"That's good to hear." Seeing that the little girl was in no shape to speak, the brunette just smiled and refrained from asking questions, for now at least.

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