Chapter 8

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As soon as a few minutes after Ran left the room, someone opened the door and it was Rindou and Sanzu.

They went into the room.
"Hi, Nice to see you again." Sanzu said
"Hi, Y/n." Rindou said while waving at me.

I'm on the bed.
I sighed and roll my eyes.
"Ran not here, you can get out now." I said.

Sanzu Chuckled.
"Yes, we're here for him but you are here." He said while smirked.

"Then, for what?" I asked.

"I knew that my brother wouldn't let us touch his girl."
"But you are not his yet, So why not." Rindou said.

I got up of the bed.

They come closer.
"Where are you going?" Sanzu said.

I try to escape from them but Rindou block me.

Sanzu grab my hair softly and Rindou grab my waist.
"Let's make out with us." Sanzu said.

I'm silent and angst.
I really need help, I can't take down two of them in this situation.

"Ran makes you cry? The bottom of your eyes is a little red." Rindou said while touch my chin.

"We won't make you cry and it won't hurt, trust us." Sanzu said while he playing with my hair.

I really panicked, then I saw that Sanzu had a gun.
I looked at him.

" Good girl." Rindou Said

And then,
I take Sanzu's gun quietly and now my anxiety is gone.
I'm confident to attack them now.

Sanzu bowed slightly.
"Let us taste you, Y/n." He whispering in my ear.

"Wait." Rindou Said

"What's wrong now?" Sanzu asked to Rindou.

"It's to easy, that's weird." Rindou said.

"What do you mean? weird?" Sanzu still confused.

Then both of them look at me. They step back away from me.

I'm holding the gun.

Sanzu just realized that his gun is gone, he asked Rindou if he have a weapons but Rindou doesn't bring one.

Evil laugh*
I'm sighed.
" You think I will let someone touch my body easily." I said and pointed the gun at them.

" Why don't you bring any weapons?" Sanzu asked to Rindou.

"Because Ran says she's dangerous even without a weapon." Rindou said.

"Wow impressive, You know that I'm dangerous but y'all still want to see me."
"Now we at the hospital, so why not we make peace and waiting for Ran because you saying that y'all want to see him, Right?"
"Please sit down first." I said.

We sit on the couch, I stared at them while holding a gun with dissatisfied face.

"Why you stared at us like that?" Sanzu asked.

"Nothing just watching." I said.

Then, I realized that when I looked at them I don't have any joy feels like it's just normal, but when I looked at Ran I'm kinda of really happy.

"Am I crazy now or he give me a drug?" I said quietly.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Rindou asked me.

I looked at him.
"Uhmm, Nothing just nothing." I said.

After a few minutes, Ran return and he opened the door, then I'm be really glad that he is here now.

I got up from the couch.
"Ran!" I said with a big smile and Walk towards him.

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