Chapter 2

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Heeeyy~ wake up... Hey Y/n,wake up.

"There's someone in front of me, could it be the man yesterday, Will he kill me?" In my mind while pretending to sleep.

I need to act immediately.

He about to touch me.

I quickly opened my eyes and punched at his face. Then, he fell.

"W-Who are you, W-What do you want from me? I asked while point the Katana at him.

"Aaarhh, It's hurt! Why do you punched me? He said while looking at me with little tears.

"It's Suna"

I'm glad that's not a guy who wanted to killing me.


"Ohhhhhhh I'm sorry, your nose is bleeding, I'm really really sorry about that, I don't know it's you" I said.

"No, It's okay. I'm fine" Suna said.

"Are you sure you're fine, your nose is bleeding" I said.

"Yes I'm sure, it won't hurt so much" he said while wiping the blood from his nose.

"Awww I'm sorry again" i said and give him a tissue.

"When you love to cosplaying, I don't know you do a cosplay" he asked

"Huh? I'm confused

"That, the Katana. What kind of anime you cosplaying? He asked while point at the Katana.

What I'm going to say, how I can explain it to him. How h-how?
He is waiting for the answer. I'm panicked. What kind of anime? In my mind.

"Are you gonna cosplay as a demon slayer characters or what? He asked

"Pardon, Ummmhh. YES exactly, you right, I'm going to cosplaying as Kibutsuji Muzan" i said

"Ohhh, I see" he said.

He looked at me with a dissatisfied face.

"W-What made you come to my place? I asked him to change the situation.

"Ohh yea, I want to take you to the festival tonight, do you want to come with me? He said.

"Ohh The festival tonight" I'm thinking.

"Yes, Sure" i said with smile

"Really! YEEEESSSS. I will pick up you at 8:00 PM after work" he said

"Ohh yea, and wear this"he requested me and give me a little box.

"What is this" I looked into the box.

"It's my late Mother's Kimono, I'm sure it will look pretty in you" he said.

I'm blushing*

"No, It's not" i said and covered my face because I'm shy.

He giggles*

"I'm late for work, okay goodbye" He said and walked to the door.

"Oh yeah, me too" i said

"Don't forget 8:00 PM!" he said

"Okay, bye" i said

On the way to the cafe, I passed by the place yesterday. There are many people there and there are also the police who are investigating.

I stopped and looked at the scene. Suddenly, I felt that someone was watching me.

But, it doesn't matter about that because I have realized for the past 3 months that someone is watching me.

Maybe, my father sent his people to find and get information about my new life.

But, If that person shows his face, I make sure he can't send any information about me anymore.

I continued my journey to my cafe.

I saw a black cat was following me,then I picked it up, I looked at his eyes. It's so adorable and beautiful.

That cat also look at my eyes. Suddenly, he hissed at me. I was shocked and let it go.

Then, There's a man with tiger tattoo on his neck take the cat.

"Where are you going Kuroo, Why are you leaving me behind? He asked to the cat.

I think it's his pet

"Are you okay, I saw Kuroo hisses at you, Is he hurting you anywhere? He asked me

"No I'm okay, I just a little surprised" i said.

"I'm sorry about that, Kuroo actually doesn't like people when he is touch because he is a little traumatized after being abused" he said.

"Ohh, I see. I'm sorry Kuroo" i said to the cat.

"I'm kazutora, I'm owners the pet shop over there with my friend,come if you want to adopt a pet" he said while point the shop.

"Yes sure, thank you. My name is Y/n, I'm the owner of a cafe on the block over there, come if you have time" i said.

"Yes, why not"
"It looks like it's cloudy, there will definitely be rain later" he said

"Yes it's true, Bye.I need to go see you again" i said and go

"Bye, see you again soon" He said while waving his hand.

Today it rained very heavily, the customers were not many.


"Hmmmp,The rain has stopped, what time is it now?

Looking at the clock on the wall*

It's 7:15, I need to close the cafe early today.

I felt someone is watching me again, I'm worried if I kill him in public. So I took a grab service to go home.

It's 8:20,

Suna has just arrived at my place by a car.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I just a little busy with my work" he said

"No it's okay, let's go" i said.

"You look gorgeous" he praised me

"No, it just this Kimono is beautiful." i said

"should we go now" he said

"Yes, sure." I answered.

THE NIGHT ASSASSIN <RAN HAITANI>Where stories live. Discover now