Operation: Farm

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Bryson: Guh...

Rose was snoring while I held my head in pain. I would wake up earlier than him because I would set an alarm on my pipboy. I woke up Rose like I usually would and we got to our duties. Just doing patrols.

Rose: *yawn* Probably shouldnt have drank so much. Now you're hungover, man.

Bryson: Shit... *holding head*

Rose: By the way, is Ingram gonna make your suit of power armor yet?

Bryson: Yeah, she said that she had to specially fit one like she always does for soldiers. Should be done in a week or two.

Rose: Sick, daddyo!

Bryson: Are you a greaser or something now?

Rose: What? You dont think saying stuff like that is cool?

A week and a half later...

I put on the slim fit jumpsuit so I could wear it under my power armor. I turned the wheel and stepped into my power armor. I did what Ingram said. The armor chambered around me and I started to move. I walked around for a bit and moved my body to see how well It was to move.

Ingram: What do you think?

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Ingram: What do you think?

Bryson: How is power armor supposed to feel?

Ingram: Whatever feels right. Shouldnt be too tight or whatever. Should feel like its a part of you or something.

Bryson: Well, I have no complaints.

Ingram: Good. If it gets damaged in battle, which is highly unlikely, you can just go to a workbench and fix it up with materials from Teagan.

Bryson: Sounds good.

Ingram: Now get out there and kick some ass.

I walked up to my piers in my power armor and with a minigun.

Cassandra: I almost didnt recognize ya.

Rose: Badass. Now you can do some modifications to it and be unique.

Bryson: You're right Cassandra. This is some bulky armor, but some superior protection.

Cassandra: Thats just what comes along with it. But if you are into that, which I am not, then I understand. I just dont enjoy the whole being huge and spraying away tactic like big guy over here. I like the freedom of using knives and pistols with CQC.

Bryson: I enjoy that too, but I still need to give this a try.

Smith: We should go on another mission soon to test that armor out. Also becuase im sick of doing patrol and I wanna actually shoot something.

Cassandra: I hear ya. I've just been doing an odd amout of cleaning the floors for Captain-Kells for some reason.


Kells: Mm... That fine ass...

End of flashback...

Rose: I'm also excited to use this new laser rifle barrel splitter. Its gonna be like a laser shotgun!

We left onto our same old vertiberd that we always used and that same old pilot.

Smith: Captain-Kells told me of these super mutants that invaded a settlement. Our objective is to kill them and help the settlers in need.

Cassandra: Big green uglies...

Rose: I hate mutants.

Smith: We all do, initiate... We all do...

Bryson: I was told that a minigun chews through them like paper. I just have to see that for myself.

We arrived far from our destination to ensure that we wouldnt get shot down. We got a little closer and hid behid some trees and bushes. Cassandra used some binoculars to scope the location.

Cassandra: We have two with pipe rifles just standing there like idiot beside the barn. Inside there is a few settlers tied up and a couple of dead one. There is also a third mutand sitting on top an old tractor with a missle launcher.

Rose: You lost me at that last one.

Smith: Good work. We'll start with you staying behind, Cassandra. Notify us if you see anything important.

Cassandra: Got it.

Smith: Rose, I think this one is too dangerous for you.

Rose: Got it.

Smith: That leaves you and me, Bryson. If we just run in there guns blazing, we risk the lives of the settlers. Can you use that sniper rifle of yours to shoot the one with the missle launcher?

Bryson: Is that even a question?

Smith: I guess not.

I left my power armor and aimed at the one on the tractor's head.

Bryson: 300 win mag. Can kill anything that moves, from an elephant to a deer. I'm sure these guys are just cardboard.

I shot him in the chest and the bulled came out of his lower ass cheek. Made a snowball of all his organs roll up inside of him.

Bryson: He's down, lets go!

I got in my power armor and ran over with Smith. We killed the mutants with our miniguns because they ran far away from the barn for it to be safe. Once we got in the barn, we let the settlers free.

Settler 1: Thanks! The brotherhood has all of our support!

Smith: Your welcome.

Cassandra: *on the walkie-talkie* Sir, we have five mutans aproaching from your right! They seem to have pipe rifles but theyre trying to see whats going on!

Smith: Acknowledged! You ready to shred through these guys?

Bryson: Oh yeah...

We shot through them side by side and performed a beutiful show of blood n' bullets. 5mm shells flew everywhere and the screams of the mutants could be heard. I started getting more flashbacks during this. I remember shooty heavy guns, like gatlin lasers shooting at all sorts of things. Wasnt sure what to make of at the time.

We all helped the settlers clean up, and they got what gear the mutants had to defend themselves if more ever showed up. We aboarded the vertiberd and flew away with yet another victory. We flew back to the prydwin. We laughed and joked as we went to our quarters.

I sat down relieved to be out of that suit.

Bryson: I dont know how you do it, Paladin-Smith. That armor gets hot after a while. Not to mention how it feels so enclosed around.

Cassandra: I agree.

Smith: Well, you gets used to it. By the way, where did you get that suit?

Bryson: On my hunt for Nate, I found this at a vault.

Smith: Nice. Looks good for something to wear under powerarmor.

Cassandra: Yeah, its also really cool too. You look like a vault dweller with the pipboy and the jumpsuit.

Rose: Sure looks neat though. I wish I had one...

I played diamond city radio with the radio and listened with everyone as we chatted in the quarters.

I was slowly regaining my memories, though I still dont have a clue about my past except for the fact that I have some sort of military training. I was sure that I will regain all of them soon. Just wasnt prepared for what would happen when I did...

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