The Hunt For Nate

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The next day, Elder-Maxson ordered me to go on this mission alone. He said that more than one person wasnt needed to retrieve one man. I aboarded the vertiberd alone and buckled myself in. It took quite a while.

We arrived to a fixed up town called Sanctuary. The vertiberd landed on a bridge and I walked in. I was stopped by a man with some kind of laser musket.

???: Whats your business here?

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???: Whats your business here?

Bryson: Im not here for trouble. Im here for Sentinal-Nate.

???: The general? We havent seen him in months. Come on it.

He opened the gate and I walked in. I saw quite a bit of minutemen and crops. There was turrets as a deffence system and lots of other neat things.

???: Our general hasnt been seen in months. Some of us think he may be dead but I refuse to believe that.

Bryson: Any idea on where he is?

???: No, we were thinking about checking at diamond city. *leads me into a fixed up house* Sit down and we can discuss things. more.

Bryson: *sits down* Name's Knight-Bryson.

Preston: Preston-Garvey, commonwealth minutemen.

Bryson: So, you think maybe we should go to diamond city?

Preston: Yeah, my guessing is that he's been kidnapped or something. I though maybe he was with the Brotherhood, but you proved that wrong.

Bryson: Damn, diamond city it is then.

Preston: You sure that theyll let me on that thing?

Bryson: If youre with me, then yeah.

We got on the vertiberd and left to Diamond City. Sure as hell didnt shine like a diamond. Looked more like coal, but at least it was protected with a large wall. It was basically built out of a famous baseball stadium.

 It was basically built out of a famous baseball stadium

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Preston: Lets go to Nick Valentine. Im sure he could help us.

We walked into this one building with sign next to it that had a heart and an arrow in it.

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