First Day

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The very next day, I was ordered to go on duty with Rose. We were on the vertibird that was landing.

Rose: Alright, so my job is to show you around and show you how to be a soldier. *gets off vertibird and helps me off*

Bryson: Alright. So what are you showing me first?

Rose: First, we're gonna go and do our warmups and target practice.

Bryson: Right.

We went to the shooting range and started doing target practice.

Rose: So, first things first... Is your safety off?

Bryson: Yeah.

Rose: Alright. Secondly, don't fire when an ally is in front of you. That's very dangerous.

Bryson: Got it.

Rose: Now, just aim down the sight and shoot. Aim for the three Cs. Cranium, chest, and crotch.

Bryson: Alright...

I aimed and shot where he told and it was in the middle of all the Cs.

Rose: Woah! That's some nice shooting!

A few soldiers walked up and saw.

Knight: Do it again.

I reloaded with the fusion cells he gave me, and it was in thay exact same spot.

Everyone was pretty impressed and kept watching.

Before I knew it, I was getting bullseyes nearly all of the time.

Everyone kept cheering for me. But they were still doing most of their duties.

Paladin-Smith and Kight-Cassandra walked in after patrolling the area as told, he watched me do all kinds of tricks with my laser pistol shooting at the target.

Smith: How in the...

Cassandra: That kid is the shit...

After a while of shooting, I stopped and everyone started cheering. Luckily I didn't use all of my fusion cells because everyone gave me some of theirs.

Smith: Initiate, I'll have a word with you...

He said seriously while I looked up to him.

Bryson: Yessir.

I met him in the airport.

Smith: Would you mind explaining to me how on Earth you did that?

Bryson: I don't know, sir. It just happened.

Smith: Just happened? You have amnesia and you just shot a gun for the first time, and that's what to tell me?

He asked seriously.

Smith: Bahaha!!! You know what?! I'm gonna take you on some missions! Youre gonna join my squadron!

Bryson: Really?

Smith: Hell, yeah!

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