002 ~It's For The Best~

594 17 5

Yn's pov

"Leah do you have to go back to London??" I asked my older sister for the 100th time these past 3 days.

"I know babes but it's for the best." My sister said reassuringly before continuing, "I need to go to university."

"Okay but text me as sooooon as you get there, tell mom I said hi, and call me everyday as well!" I semi shouted at her hmm, while furrowing my eyebrows to look intimidating.

"Will do ma'am," she said while saluting to me.

I giggled at her actions before the airport speakers turned on and Leah's plane was called on.

"Bye sis, I'll miss you so so so so soooooooo mucchhhhh!" I said as I kissed her cheek, "I love you, be safe okay?" I continued in a more serious note.

"I love you too. Be safe as well, don't let any more bastards into your life unless you want me to go jail." she said also quite seriously.

I chuckled a bit as she kissed my cheek and left waving goodbye to me. I waved back and started my way back to my now, 1 person apartment.

As I go to the apartment building, I took the elevator as I was too tired to walk the stairs. When I got to my door, I unlocked it and went straight to the bathroom to change, it was just a habit, even if I am alone now.

After changing I went straight to bed and scrolled on Instagram, looking at models and random quotes.

I was practically stalking random people until I got a notification from an unknown number.

Leah had already listed that I'd need a new roommate so I was hoping for a text from anyone.

I clicked on the message and it read:


Hello, is the apartment still available?

Yeah it is! Would you like to start renting?

Yes, if that is possible, thank you.

Yeah of course no problem!
When would you like to move in?

Thursday, if possible.

Yes that's great, see you then!


I smiled, content with myself that I already got a new roommate. I just really hope that they're a nice person to live with you know? Not some random asshole that thinks they can do whatever they want whenever they want wherever they want.

I checked the date, Tuesday 27 March 2021. "hm 2 days..." I mumbled to myself.

So I just have to wait till Thursday to meet the new person that'll be living with me I geuss.

I saved their number as "Roomie" and was about to put my phone down untill I got another text saying "Goodnight by the way" from my roommate. I responded with a "goodnight :)" and went to sleep, with a smile on my face.


Hello again people! Fun fact: my birthday is the 27th of March. Yes I'm indeed an aries, a very emotional one at that.

Word count: 513

Please get a good meal, a nap if you need one and some more water! Take care and love yourself!

Bye byeee<3

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