Chapter 8

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As time went on, the entire pack started becoming quieter and quieter

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As time went on, the entire pack started becoming quieter and quieter. Werewolves found comfort when they were in a pack so they had all gathered up in open courtyard. Everyone was dreading the time when the clock would strike twelve. If even one bomb got overlooked, the werewolves in the building would be doomed.

When the clock did strike twelve, the silence around Maddy was unbearable. Everyone seemed to be waiting with baited breath. All of a sudden, Alexa hugged Maddy tightly. Confused, Maddy hugged her back. When Alexa pulled away, Maddy saw that the entire pack was celebrating.

"Dad just announced through the pack link that they all are safe and sound," Alexa said with a huge smile. At that moment, she looked like her normal self. Ever since Diana fell into the coma, she had been gloomy, which was completely understandable but now she seemed to be back to her normal self.

Maddy video called Leia's phone, to talk to her properly. Last time's conversation had been rushed for obvious reasons.

"When we get back, I'm buying you whichever book you want," Leia shouted into her phone, as soon as she picked up the phone, with a grin. She looked a little shaken up but she did not look hurt. Also, she was alive so that was a big plus.

"Why don't I get whatever I want too?" Alexa asked with a pout.

"Turns out, there was a bomb inside the bunker. We found it five minutes before the bomb blasted. Everyone needed to be rushed out of the bunker so that they could deactivate the bomb. After that we were rushed back inside the bunker. If Maddy hadn't asked me about searching the inside..." Leia trailed off, the meaning obvious.

Bruce was smart. Either he wanted the rogue to get caught, or he had a backup plan in case the rogue got caught. The Council would have ushered everyone into the room and since they thought that no one knew about it, they wouldn't have bothered to check inside. At 12, the bomb would blast and boom, everyone is dead. (Sorry, bad pun.)

"A murder is announced," Maddy said.


"The book that I want. That's the title of the book," Maddy said.

Leia sighed with relief. "I actually thought Bruce announced that he murdered someone. At this point, that might actually happen."

From behind, Maddy heard a faint 'who are you talking to?' and the next moment Xander and Jeremy also came in the video. The five of them talked for some time. Xander, Leia and Jeremy were still stuck in the building since Bruce hadn't removed the prison yet.

"Are you sure that there are no other bombs that might go off? Bruce might have one bomb that goes off sometime later than the other bombs so that you have your guard down," Maddy said worriedly.

"There is no such bomb," a familiar voice said from behind Maddy.

"You show up now," Alexa growled at the matefinder. The matefinder's house had randomly appeared among all the pack members who had gathered in the open courtyard.

The matefinder casually shrugged. "I'm not your assistant. I'll show up whenever I want."

"Hmmph," Alexa said as she watched the matefinder with eyes filled with suspicion. "What do you want now?"

"Tell your friends to get ready. I'm breaking them out of there. I'll be back in five minutes."

With that, the matefinder turned and went into her house. Maddy exchanged confused glances with Alexa and then let Leia and the others know and then cut the call.

True to her words, in exactly five minutes, the matefinder's house appeared but this time, instead of the matefinder coming out of the door, Xander stumbled outside, holding his stomach. "Give us a warning next time," Xander grumbled as he took in deep breaths. One by one Leia, Jeremy, Justin and the two Betas came out of the house as the pack cheered loudly.

Maddy stared at the matefinder's house. In five minutes, the matefinder had travelled from London to California. As though the matefinder wasn't already cool enough, she now had a teleporting house. That was kind of implied since the matefinder's house could just appear out of thin air, but Maddy hadn't thought that it could travel from place to play. Forget 80 days, the matefinder could travel around the world in just one day!

Once everyone came out, the matefinder waved goodbye. "I have other werewolves to collect," she said as she disappeared.

The moment the house disappeared, Alexa ran up to her dad and practically jumped on top of him, hugging him. Justin chuckled and hugged her back. After a minute Alexa pulled away hugged Leia. She then turned to Xander and Jeremy. "I see that you are back," she said in a tone that was supposed to sound indifferent but halfway through her sentence, she broke into a grin.

It was then that Maddy noticed that Tristan hadn't returned. Seven people left for London and only six had returned. "Where is Tristan?" she asked.

"The matefinder decided to drop him in the Callisto pack headquarters," Leia said as she hugged Maddy and basically squeezed the life out of her.

"Maddy," Justin said with a smile. "On behalf of all the Alphas, I want to thank you. Without your help, we would all be dead by now."

Maddy just smiled at Alpha and fiddled with her fingers. She never knew what to say when people said something like that. The last time someone had thanked her she had said, "Thanks for the thanks." After that, Maddy decided to just keep her mouth shut during such times.

Once the excitement was over, everyone slowly started going back to their houses. Well, exciting was one way to describe the incident. At the end of the day, Maddy was just glad that everyone was okay. 

A/N: My exams are starting so from now on, I'll be updating every Saturday and not Sundays and Wednesdays :(

A/N: My exams are starting so from now on, I'll be updating every Saturday and not Sundays and Wednesdays :(

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