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"From the future to the past"

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"From the future to the past"

"You made your decision" the odd lady confirmed. Sighing, I put my hands in my pocket. Rocking my heels back and forth from nervousness. I moistened my lips and spoke, "I don't want to take your offer" she wasn't surprised, probably expecting it. Who Am I to fool myself, besides what exact reason will drive me to travel back in time?

"You have many reasons too" I jolted when she voiced out. "I can hear your thoughts" A smug smile formed on her lips. "You and her file for a divorce. An agreement you didn't want but selflessly you said yes to" she stated, my head hanged low. "I caged her, in our relationship she stayed because she pitied me. Jennie doesn't break promises, the same reason why she patiently kept up with me" the odd lady nodded in series.

"What if I tell you that things will get worst after this" My nose scrunched, my forehead creased. I looked around and realized the people around isn't moving anymore. Anxiousness built inside my nerves, rattling them. "What's happening..." I weakly uttered. I was about to move when I felt my body paralyzed. My eyes widen as the odd lady stared at me with glowing white eyes. "What did you do?" I questioned, despite being scared. "Giving you a glimpse of the future" out of nowhere the world around me glitches in speed. My sight barely visualized a thing. While we stay on our spot, the buildings around us changed. They become taller, wider, twisted, and lighted with blinding neon lights. Then it stopped, the people who wear jeans and shirts are now walking in cloaks and uniformed boots. Eyes covered with thick glasses, lips in thin lines. I stumbled on the ground when something flew over me. In shock I cranked my head to find it, I was in awe to see a hoverboard in the air. With someone actually controlling it.

"Welcome to the future" the odd lady who had white and greyish hair now has glistening silver locks. Her suit is clean as chalk, gloves in her hands, and a watch on her wrist. I remained the same. "Shall we?" She handed out her hand, automatically mine held hers. "Close your eyes" I obliged, electricity flowing in my blood for a minute or so. "Now open it" I followed, I gasp when we appeared in front of the room. I roamed my eyes on the halls and puzzled it up. We're in a hospital, but the difference is Artificial Intelligence can be seen everywhere. "Here" the odd lady turned her head to the glass window.

My hands immediately touched it, eyes squinting to see who's inside. There's a woman, laying on the hospital bed. Deja vu hits me. "It's Jennie" I shook my head, the odd lady kept her distance. "What happened, she was fine...she woke up..." I stuttered.

"It didn't last for long, months after you left she had a seizure. They thought it was nothing critical, but her heart began to have complications. She needed to go under surgery, you volunteered to donate your heart" with that I looked back at the lady. "I did?...then I have no problem with that", I said choking. She shakes her head, disagreeing.

"You died, she learned it later. She can't accept it. She blames herself and lives in guilt, just like what you did. She isolated herself from the people she loves. Forbids her own self for a prosperous future. She tried to end her life several times." The lady asserts. My chest clenched. "Then I will return to her when we go back..." I mindlessly answered.

"She will die, it's fate"

"It's everyone's fate" I mumbled.

"She will die earlier than her time because you messed it up," she said bluntly. "Is it because of my decisions?" She bobs her head. "I know you're wondering, it's her life but it was your decisions that affected her. She's accountable too, but yours weight much heavier." I professed.

"This is not the only time your story ended tragically" My eyes darted at her, what is she talking about. "We're not alone in this life, so as in this universe." She affirmed. "I don't understand" I cooed. The odd lady faced me, her hands moving in a circular motion. I took a step back when a ball-like shape formed over her hands. There I saw spitting images of me and Jennie. But those scenes aren't from our/my memories.

"There is another you and her in an alternative universe. And most of it finished painfully." She mentioned. I saw myself talking to her, with both of us crying and blood in her hand. The next thing is I was running away, Jennie hid behind the pile of boxes. "You took responsibility for a crime you didn't commit" then there's me as if I'm saying goodbye too, what bewildered me is when our eyes glowed. Hers was blue and mine was white, what the actual hell..."In this universe, you met twice. Unfortunately, none of it ended beautifully. Both of you need to sacrifice for the world you live in." She explained. My hands comb my hair, this is too much to take.

"You see, your alternative self suffered too. Would you let this story, this universe to face the same fate?" She asked.

"Why me? Why this version of me who's underserving to go back and manipulate the past? Why not them..." I breathily spoke.

"Because this is one of the only universes where it could possibly end up greater. You can beat the misfortune of destiny. Because I existed here and not elsewhere. Like you, I was given a chance. This is me, taking it." The odd lady clasped her hands and the cloud-like figure disappeared.

"Let's say I'll go back in time, where Jennie and I didn't meet. Should I leave it that way?" I curiously asked. I glanced at the sleeping Jennie again, her face wrinkled and her skin older. "Going back to the past doesn't necessarily mean that you can avoid fate. You can amend things, but you can't escape what destiny had for you." I bit my lower lip, anticipating what's next.

"It's complicated to understand, but for enlightenment. If you'll go back in time meeting Jennie is inevitable, but the way you'll handle that situation will be different depending on your choices." She stated.

"So apparently, our paths will still cross no matter what I do...then how can I save her from me?" I diverted my attention to her.

"Save yourself first, letting you meddle with the past doesn't mean you needed to get back with her. The essence of this is to make your lives flourish." she wanted us to experience better, I said to myself.

"Can I hold her before I go back in time?" I hopefully asked. "A simple touch of the future would cause drastic changes. I apologize, but you can't" tears trickled my eyes.

"I'll accept," I said confidently.

"Before I take you back, there are reminders you need to follow." The odd lady shifted.

"One, there is turning back. Once this is granted you can't ask me to return the present."

"Two, all your memories will remain but everyone will forget."

"Three, no can ever know." She said sternly.

"Are you ready?" I inhaled deeply before nodding. I took one more glimpse of Jennie, then I smiled at the odd lady.

"Close your eyes" I did, my body lost its senses one by one. Colors splashed in the dark space in mine. My head clouded with undistinguished noises. Then everything turned blurry...

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